Chapter 32

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The hindu festival of diwali is around the corner and Anne is losing some of her hairs, insisting me to go diwali shopping.

Apparently the festival is not just restricted to hindus or indians living in New York city. It had now become a mass celebration of all and everyone who wanted to have a good time with friends and family celebrating a culture.

The fancy gathering hall of our society, that I'm yet to see, had to be decorated and as Anne tells me, everyone living close to us, join in. I'm supposed to be wearing a lehenga because if we didn't represent our culture who will.

I do have a lehenga. It was one of the things my mother packed in just in case. Diwali back at home was a different affair. I am- was crazy about this festival. From lighting the diyas,  to preparing the sweets, the decorations, rangoli, getting ready and performing the puja, all of it used to be done by me. By the end of the festival I would be tired to death but it always made up for the good memories.

For the past three years I hadn't celebrated the festival and this year my aunt is adamant on changing that.

"Beta, please. Go with your friends or alone. But please go shopping. I hardly have any time left after hospital. And diwali day after tomorrow. You have to buy some utensils for dhanteras and buy some jewelry in gold for yourself. Ohh and sweets, decorations and colors for rangoli," she drawled.

"Wow that's quite a list Anne." Cassian chimed in.

"It shouldn't have been if only Aura listened to me. Cassian, you're also invited to the party."

Cassian faced me, his hand shoved in his back pockets. "If you don't mind, I'll take you to the mall."


"I'm already going with Zayn." I winced at the ease with which I lied.

Cassian burried his grey eyes in me searching for a hint to confirm that I was lying but I looked at him simply controlling my nerves. He then nodded and went back to his work

Anne picked up her coffee and moved back to her chamber. I kept touching a spot on my collarbone to shoo away the awkwardness.

My shift got over right after and I rushed to make it known to Zander that he has to take me shopping before he himself could come inside and ruin it.

"We're going shopping," I blurted as soon as I came out of the premises and spotted Zander  sitting on a bench re-reading Hamlet. "That is if you aren't busy." I added hastily.

He towered up to his full size and looked at me suspiciously. "I'm not busy and to what do I owe the pleasure, if I may ask."

"To diwali. Its day after tomorrow and Anne has been breathing down at my neck to get all the stuffs. Cassian offered to accompany but I wasn't comfortable so I told them you're taking me," I said truthfully. I leveled my eyes to meet his to see if he didn't mind me lying.

His lips were tightened together and he just kept nodding. Something was bothering him. Maybe he did have some plans and I ruined it. Shit.

"Is it okay Zayn?"

"O'course it is Summer," he confirmed as we walked towards his house.

Two and a half hour later, roaming from one shop to another that Anne listed in a Whatsapp message, I had all the things I needed. Traveling to the shop took much time than actually buying stuffs because I knew exactly what I needed. I did it too many times in the past to not know.

"I'm quite impressed with your shopping expertise," Zander complimented, taking the bags from my hands.

I beamed at him. "You're not the first one to tell me that. I ace diwali shopping. I always have this vision of diwali decoration and I know exactly what I have to buy to make it happen. Wait till you see my home." I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

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