Chapter 16

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I never start a fight, Never will. But if motherfuckers will act crazy don't expect me to back off.

Minding your own business is not that easy when idiots keep popping up to irritate the fuck out of you. After the whole Barbie and Aura thing I wasn't talking to Barbie anymore. But she kept on making an appearance and dragging Matt with her.

Twice I told him to shut his wild mouth up. He kept on talking about Aura and how she is no good. That this Noah dude has told him some shady stuff. I give zero fucks to what Noah told them. He stays with Aura and her friends all day long and think he is so smart to bitch about it here. No respect for a man like that.

Well who am I blaming. I thought the same initially. I also thought that she was useless. But I didn't go around bad mouthing her. Matt didn't care for any warning  provoking me by saying all the things he would like to do to her and to dramatize all of it he pushed me. I pushed him to tell him to stay away but that asshole saw it as an invitation to fight.

A strong punch across the face and a sharp pain on my lips. Yes. Matt is no weakling. He trains like a horse in the gym so that was expected. Before I could return the favor of this Kardashian lip fucking surgery he gave me something weakly tugged on my t-shirt.

Silas and Dylan won't stop me. Not after my ass was kicked. Not before revenge was taken. They knew the rules of this damn fight club. I craned my neck to find Aura. She looked into me as if silently pleading to stop it. And I did.

Like I said. Once an asshole always an asshole. Matt spoke again and even Aura didn't stop me this time. I punched him so hard I thought I broke his damn ostrich looking face. It was a relief when instead of hearing people go you are a fucking monster, Raven patted me on the back. I like her.

Aura asked me if I was okay . She even handed me the tissue because the stupid blood won't stop. But I'm glad it made her care for me. Her eyes briefly stopped at my lips and my heart leaped.

Later the same day I saw her talking to Noah- The snake. I wanted to tell her that he is passing whatever they talk about to Matt but why would she trust me. She probably have more trust on him than me. If you go by the looks of it yeah...he seems more like a guy that can be trusted, I'll give him that. I wish there was some way to let her know not to trust him with any of the important information. I don't want Matt to rub it on my face. What if she told them about mum? She wouldn't do that. She is not that type of girl.

When Noah left with furrowed brow I felt somewhat relieved. Although I had no clue what the fuck they talked about. A minute later I got Aura's message, saying  she has to stop by the library. Since Theo wouldn't stop chatting about the girl from Econ that he has a crush on, I decided to go to the library myself and wait outside for her given the recent history.

She came back holding a bunch of books . Why does she need these many books? I could easily ace my entire graduation reading half of it. Her eyes scanned my face probably analyzing the bruise. I hope I look badass and not a beaten ass. I took her bag knowing well how heavy it was and  the pile of books Raven was carrying.

Pain is temporary degree is forever is what Aura told me when I almost complained about her books . I'm still laughing at this statement.


As I was reversing the car it's front tyre busted with a loud pop. It was long overdue. This car had been sitting in the garage for God knows how many months. I should have get the servicing done before taking it on road all of a sudden. Walking all the way to the other garage on the back seemed like a huge task so I took the Harley.

Aura came out of the house in red t-shirt with half her hair open. Every strand of hair was perfectly placed and the red of the t-shirt made her skin glow differently. Shades of red are really her thing. I have never seen a girl carry red so beautifully. Often red is so strong that it hurts the eye but somehow it blends with her skin.

She asked for my help while climbing on the bike but I swapped her bag with mine. That thing is so heavy , there is no way I'm letting her carry it on her shoulder the entire ride. When she sat down I handed her my bag to keep in the space between us. It's almost empty. A notebook and a diary most likely.

When she sat I handed her the straps of her bag that was now in front of me. Instead she held on to my shoulder and for the first time since a long time I felt my heart skipping a beat. More than ecstasy its a feeling of fear. I can not go down the same road again.

On our way back home we stopped at the store. No cigarette is easier said then done. I do smoke still but It was also a habit to take a drag before and after reaching home. Now all I could do is chew on those minty gums that leaves a weird taste afterwards.

The store was out of change and skittles. Buying skittles was not intentional. It just happened because I had to round up the money as I forgot my card at home. When I gave Aura the packet of these disgusting candy her eyes shone like I handed her some fucking diamond jwellery. Since then I always paid by cash on that store. I told them to stock it and she looked at me thoughtfully. She must be thinking what an idiot I am.

Dad was back from his movie schedule for some days and he was trying to make small talks as if it would give him some kind of redemption. I have hated the man since the day I came to know about his first affair.  It was few months after mum's diagnosis. He stayed away more and more. Business trips... movie sets or some other stock deals. I wanted to kill him when I saw the women he was with. She must have been only a few years elder to me. It all seemed like a joke.

I can bet that mum knew about all this. But whenever he comes she behaves like she has found the love of her life again. Like she is so content with her life. Like he is not cheating on her. He did show some shame but becomes all normal after a while.

After his continuous attempts of Keeping up with the Bridgewoods, I felt like suffocating. With the book I was pretending to read still in my hand, I decided to leave the house without a place in mind. When I got out on the streets is when I reflected on my decision and pondered over where to go.

Theo will burn my brains again talking about his crush and Silas and others would be partying at Tucker's with a high chance of guest appearance by Barbie and Matt. It leaves only one decent someone that I know. I don't even know if she is a friend but I know she is someone to me. Someone important.

I stood outside the hospital not wanting to go inside. The thought of being here is making me nauseous enough. How desperate am I? There was still some time before her shift ends so I set the alarm of 8 P.M. and started reading the book; really reading it this time.

She came out at ten past eight and started walking towards her home. There was something about her walk that was weird.  She was walking in quick strong pace. Is she afraid of someone? I mean its not even that late. May be because its a new place for her.

I approached her but instead she turned to throw a punch at me. This time around I was ready so I held her wrist. She yelled at me in high pitch giving a hint of her indian accent. I deserved it. Given the way she walked, I shouldn't have called her from the back like that. It was clear she was afraid.

The fear was took over by concern. She must have remembered the time she saw me pushing stretcher with mum on it. She asked about her and was surprised when I told her that mum is all good and at home and that I came to see her instead. She called herself boring. I don't even know how that could be a possibility. Well I can understand it from her lifestyle that why she would think that. All she does is study and work. But there's something about the mysterious energy that she holds that keep people like me intrigued and stick around.

She seemed surprised when I told her of my interest in reading. I don't blame her. No one knows about it in my group except Theo and Silas.

When we reached her home I told her that she shouldn't in fact walk all by herself at this time and she said she was fine. She said it more to assure herself than to me. I'm not buying any of it. I knew how she walked before. It was not a walk . It could low-key qualify as running. She was way more relaxed and calm when she walked with me. She told me I didn't have to come tomorrow when I offered her and I admitted that I wanted to. She definitely thinks I'm an idiot.

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