🏵️ Prologue : A Fateful Day

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The evening was turning dark as the train station bustled with people.

Lisa, a doctor, dressed in casual attire after finishing her day, intended to head home by train.

Little did she know that this ordinary evening would soon become a scene of chaos and tragedy.

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion, and the station was filled with screams and panic.

Everyone ran in fear as the sound of destruction filled the air. 

In the middle of the confusion, Lisa's instinct to help kicked in. She rushed to assist those who were hurt or had collapsed.

During all the chaos, Lisa noticed a man in a uniform lying on the ground.

He was badly injured and struggling to breathe.

Without hesitation, she started treating his wounds, doing her best to provide comfort and relief.

"Can you hear me? Can you move?" she asked gently, hoping for a response. The man managed to nod weakly, showing that he could hear her.

Lisa worked quickly, using her skills to stabilize him and ease his pain.

At that moment, Lisa had no idea that this man, Jeongguk, would become an important person in her life. All she knew was that she had a duty to help and save lives.

As Jeongguk's breath grew shallow and his vision started to blur, he fought to stay conscious.

In his fading consciousness, he saw a face, initially mistaking it for his beloved fiancée.

The face was filled with warmth and compassion, providing him with a momentary sense of comfort even though the chaos.

However, as his awareness wavered, he suddenly realized that the face before him belonged to a stranger—a woman, Lisa, who had come to his aid.

Confusion and a pang of sorrow washed over Jeongguk. In that fleeting moment, he grappled with the realization that the love of his life, was not there. 

It was a stranger who now looked upon him with care and concern.

In his fragile state, he couldn't fully comprehend the situation, but a spark of curiosity and a yearning for connection flickered within his heart.

Little did Lisa know that this encounter at the train station would mark the beginning of a journey filled with a deep connection that would change both of their lives forever. 

This prologue was the start of an unexpected story where fate would begin their paths together in ways they could never have imagined.

This prologue was the start of an unexpected story where fate would begin their paths together in ways they could never have imagined

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