🏵️ Chapter Fourteen : The Heartstrings

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Jeongguk had been eagerly awaiting this appointment, hoping for some clarity about the state of his brain injury.

Ever since the explosion happened at the Lorelei Train Station that had left him unconscious for a month, he had struggled with persistent headaches and difficulty concentrating since yesterday.

During the appointment, Taehyun conducted a thorough examination, asking Jeongguk questions about his symptoms and any changes he had noticed since the accident.

"So, Jeongguk, how have you been?" Taehyun inquired, his voice gentle yet authoritative.

Jeongguk shifted uncomfortably in his wheelchair, trying to find the right words. "Well, I've been having these headaches...and sometimes I feel like I can't focus on anything for too long," he admitted.

Taehyun nodded, jotting down notes on his clipboard. "I see. And have you noticed any improvement in your symptoms?"

Jeongguk shook his head. "Not really. It's been pretty much the same."

As they discussed Jeongguk's progress and potential treatment options, Taehyun's expertise and professionalism shone through, putting Jeongguk at ease despite the seriousness of the situation.

Taehyun had informed him that part of his brain had been damaged in the explosion, and he was in need of ongoing medical care to monitor his condition and explore potential treatment options.

By the end of the appointment, Jeongguk felt reassured and hopeful, knowing that he was in good hands with Taehyun guiding his care.

Jeongguk emerged from the examination room, feeling a mix of relief and uncertainty.

Hyun was waiting for him outside, holding Jeongguk's bag full of his belongings.

"Hey, how did it go?" Hyun asked, his expression filled with concern.

Jeongguk sighed, wheeling himself closer to his brother. "It was...okay, I guess. The doctor said they'll have to keep monitoring it."

Hyun nodded sympathetically, patting Jeongguk's shoulder. "Well, at least you're getting the care you need. Hey, I was thinking, since it's such a nice day outside, how about we go for a little stroll?"

Jeongguk's eyes lit up at the suggestion.

Hyun grinned, helping Jeongguk into his wheelchair. "Let's get some fresh air and clear our heads."

Together, the brothers made their way outside, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the feeling of freedom that came with being outdoors.

It was a small moment of respite amidst the uncertainty of Jeongguk's recovery, but for now, it was enough.


Lisa, dressed in her business casual attire with a white coat, made her way through the bustling building, the sound of her heels echoing on the tiled floor.

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