🏵️ Chapter Thirteen : Awakening

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As Jeongguk gradually regained consciousness, he found himself in a state of disorientation.

His mind felt foggy, and his body heavy as if weighed down by an invisible force.

He blinked his eyes slowly, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

The sterile scent of the hospital room filled his nostrils, and the soft beeping of monitors echoed in his ears.

He tried to move, but his limbs felt like lead, unresponsive to his commands.

After what felt like an eternity, Jeongguk managed to open his eyes fully.

The room came into focus, and he saw the familiar sight of medical equipment surrounding him.

Panic began to rise within him as he struggled to remember how he had ended up here.

Just then, he heard a voice—a voice he recognized as his brother Hyun's. "Jeongguk, can you hear me?" Hyun's words were filled with concern.

Jeongguk tried to respond, but his throat felt dry, and his voice came out as a hoarse whisper. "Hyun..." And his thought, what happened?

Jeongguk's injuries, and the fact that he had been in a coma for a month.

As the reality of his situation sunk in, Jeongguk felt a surge of fear and uncertainty.

How long would it take for him to recover? Would he ever be able to move again?

But despite his apprehension, Jeongguk knew one thing for certain—he was grateful to be alive.

Tuesday, March 18th, 1980

Jeongguk began his rehabilitation journey.

With the help of dedicated therapists, he started to regain some movement in his limbs.

Though still weak and unsteady, Jeongguk was determined to push himself.

With every exercise and therapy session, he felt the progress.

However, it became clear that his recovery would be a long and challenging process.

Despite his efforts, Jeongguk remained unable to walk on his own.

Instead, he relied on a wheelchair for mobility, feeling a mix of frustration and acceptance.

Though disappointed, he refused to let it dampen his spirits.

With the support of his brother Hyun and the medical team, Jeongguk focused on the small victories—the ability to move his legs slightly, the strength he gained with each passing day.

As Hyun pushed Jeongguk's wheelchair through the hospital corridors, Jeongguk couldn't help but feel a sense of both gratitude and frustration.

Gratitude for his brother's support, and frustration at his own physical limitations.

With each push of the wheels, they drew closer to Jeongguk's room.

The familiar sights and sounds of the hospital became a comforting backdrop to his thoughts.

Once they reached his room, Hyun helped Jeongguk transfer from the wheelchair to the bed.

With gentle care, he removed the bandage from Jeongguk's head, replacing it with a fresh gauze.

As Jeongguk settled onto the bed, Hyun spoke softly. "I got you something," he said, retrieving a small bag from beside the bed.

Curious, Jeongguk watched as Hyun pulled out a notebook, pen, and drawing supplies. "I thought this might help pass the time," Hyun explained, offering the items to his brother.

Jeongguk's eyes lit up with gratitude as he accepted the gifts.

Though simple, they held the promise of a creative outlet—a way for him to occupy his mind and hands during the long days ahead.

"Thank you, Hyun," Jeongguk said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I appreciate it."

With a reassuring smile, Hyun nodded. "Anytime, little brother."

Longing for the freedom of the outdoors, Jeongguk spoke up.

"Hyun, do you think we could go outside tomorrow?" Jeongguk's voice was hopeful, his eyes reflecting a desire for a change of scenery.

Hyun paused, considering his brother's request. He knew how much Jeongguk missed being outside, surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature.

However, he also understood the importance of following the rehabilitation plan set out by the medical professionals.

"Jeongguk, I understand how much you want to go outside, but it's important to follow the doctor's orders," Hyun replied gently, his tone sympathetic. "We need to focus on your recovery and not push too hard too soon."

Disappointment flickered across Jeongguk's face, but he nodded in understanding. "Okay, Hyun. Maybe another day then," he conceded, his spirits slightly dampened but still hopeful for the future.

Hyun smiled reassuringly at his brother. "We'll make it happen, Jeongguk. Just focus on getting stronger, and we'll take that walk outside soon enough."


Later that night, Jeongguk sat in his ward, his body propped up on the bed with a small table in front of him.

He was trying to scribble some notes despite the weakness in his fingers and the fog in his mind.

He struggled to comprehend everything, wondering how he had ended up in this situation.

As he tried to write his name and his brother Hyun's name on the paper, he felt a pang of frustration at his inability to remember the other name he needed to write.

A headache began to throb at the base of his skull, adding to his stress.

Despite his efforts, Jeongguk couldn't shake the feeling of unease and confusion.

He closed his eyes, trying to summon memories from before the accident.

Flashes of faces and places flickered through his mind, but nothing seemed to make sense.

Exhausted and frustrated, Jeongguk laid his head on the pillow, hoping that sleep would bring clarity or at least some respite from his racing thoughts.

The next morning, Jeongguk found himself wheeled into the examination room to meet with the neurosurgeon.

He was greeted by a doctor he had never met before.

"Good morning, Jeongguk," the doctor greeted him warmly. "I'm Dr. Taehyun, and I'll be looking after you today."


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