🏵️ Chapter Twelve : Breaking Point

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The words hung heavily in the air, leaving Lisa stunned and speechless.

Taehyun met her gaze with desperation in his eyes, his expression otherwise unreadable. "I want to end our engagement," he reiterated, his tone tinged with urgency.

Lisa hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "I already talked to my dad, and he's staying with his decision," she replied firmly.

Taehyun's jaw tensed, a flicker of frustration crossing his face. "They give us just two months to get married—it's absurd," he remarked, his voice calm but edged with discontent.

Lisa shook her head, her own frustration bubbling to the surface. "I know, but they won't listen," she murmured, her tone tinged with resignation.

Taehyun pressed, his voice firm. "We can't let them dictate our lives like this. It's our future at stake."

Lisa's eyes flashed with defiance. "And what do you suggest we do?" she challenged, her voice rising slightly. "Our parents have already made up their minds. We can't change that."

Taehyun leaned forward, his gaze intense. "We need to stand up to them," he urged, his frustration evident. "We can't let them force us into a marriage we're not ready for."

Lisa folded her arms, her resolve hardening. "It's not that simple," she retorted, her voice tinged with exasperation. "You think I haven't tried? My dad won't budge."

"And you're just going to accept that?" Taehyun shot back, his tone incredulous. "You're going to let them control our lives?"

Lisa's brow furrowed at his tone, feeling a pang of frustration at his lack of empathy. "It's not that simple," she retorted, her voice tinged with irritation. "I honestly feel trapped. You don't understand what it's like to have your whole future dictated by your parents."

Taehyun's jaw tensed as he met her gaze, his frustration palpable. "Maybe if you actually stood up to them once in a while, they'd take you more seriously," he shot back, his words laced with a hint of disdain.

Lisa's frustration boiled over at his response. "I've been trying to assert myself for eight years, Taehyun! You don't understand how difficult it is. I even moved out of my parents' house to escape the pressure. It's easy for you to say that when you intentionally agreed to do your doctorate residency to keep us apart for so long. Don't act like it's so simple for me," she snapped.

The tension between them hung thick in the air, their frustrations and grievances laid bare.

"If you were so adamant about ending things, why hasn't your Dad said anything? Why was he so insistent on continuing our engagement?" Lisa challenged, her voice tinged with frustration. Taehyun remained silent, unable to provide a satisfactory answer. "Maybe it's time for you to stop blaming me and start standing up for yourself," she concluded, her tone firm.

Feeling a surge of frustration and disappointment, Lisa couldn't bear to be in Taehyun's presence any longer.

As his car began to move, she couldn't hold back any longer. "Stop," she demanded abruptly. "I'll just walk home," Her voice was resolute, her decision final.

Taehyun's expression remained stoic as he pulled over to the side of the road.

Without a word, Lisa opened the car door and stepped out onto the pavement, her heart heavy with unresolved emotions.

As she began to walk away, she could feel Taehyun's eyes on her, but she refused to turn back.

The next day...

Tuesday, March 04th, 1980

Lisa found herself in the hospital's child playroom, a place filled with colorful toys and cheerful paintings on the walls.

There, she spotted Charlotte, a bright-eyed girl who had been battling cancer for the past two years.

"Hey, Charlotte! How are you feeling today?" Lisa greeted with genuine warmth, crouching down to meet the girl at eye level.

Charlotte's face lit up with a radiant smile. "Dr. Lisa! I'm feeling amazing! I just finished my last round of chemotherapy," she announced proudly, her voice tinged with excitement.

Lisa's heart swelled with happiness for Charlotte. "That's fantastic news! You must be so relieved," she replied, her own smile reflecting Charlotte's joy.

Charlotte nodded vigorously. "Yes, now I can finally join the other kids and play without having to come to the hospital all the time."

As they chatted, Lisa felt fulfillment. Knowing that she had been part of Charlotte's journey toward recovery was incredibly rewarding.

When Lisa stood up, ready to continue her rounds, she noticed Namjoon standing outside the glass partition, waving at her with a friendly grin.

Seeing Namjoon, Lisa felt relief. She knew Charlotte was one of his patients, and seeing the positive outcome of his care filled her with pride and reassurance.

Lisa waved back at Namjoon before turning to leave the playroom.


Later that day, in the ICU, Hyun visited Jeongguk almost every day, staying faithfully by his side for almost a month.

He took it upon himself to care for his little brother, wiping Jeongguk's pale face and lips, and offering prayers for his recovery.

"How much longer are you going to lie in this bed, Jeongguk?" Hyun asked, even though Jeongguk remained unresponsive.

With a heavy sigh, Hyun continued, "There's no one else you can rely on now. Julia is no longer here, and it's just you and me." He shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe this is your luck, Jeongguk."

Suddenly, as Hyun leaned in to give his brother a quick peck on the forehead, he heard a faint response from Jeongguk.

Hyun's eyes widened in surprise, and he straightened up, watching closely for any further movement from Jeongguk.

With hope in his heart, he noticed Jeongguk's fingers beginning to twitch, prompting Hyun to quickly press the button to call the nurse.

"Jeongguk, can you hear me?" Hyun asked, his voice filled with excitement and anticipation. "Try to move your hand if you can understand me."

There was a brief moment of hesitation, but then Jeongguk's hand twitched again, a sign of response.

Hyun's heart soared with joy. "That's it, Jeongguk! You're doing great," he encouraged, his eyes shining with tears of relief.

As the nurse rushed into the room, Hyun couldn't help but feel hope for his brother's recovery.

As the nurse rushed into the room, Hyun couldn't help but feel hope for his brother's recovery

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