🏵️ Chapter Thirty-Two : Unexpected Turn

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As the sun rose over the campsite, Lisa and her friends emerged from their tents.

Clad in simple outfits suitable for their woodland activities, they gathered outside, their chatter filling the crisp morning air with enthusiasm.

After a quick breakfast, they set out on a hike, their footsteps echoing through the forest.

Surrounded by towering trees and the gentle rustle of leaves, they immersed themselves in the beauty of nature, breathing in the crisp morning air.

As Lisa struggled to keep up with the pace of the hike, her legs began to protest, and she found herself falling behind.

Worried that she might be left behind, she paused to catch her breath, leaning against the railing for support.

Just then, Jay appeared, his expression filled with concern as he approached her. "Are you okay, Lisa?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine worry.

Lisa managed to muster a weak thumbs-up, trying to reassure him that she was fine.

However, Jay could see through her facade and insisted on helping her reach the top.

"I'll help you up," Jay offered, extending a hand to assist her.

But Lisa, realizing she needed a moment to rest. "It's fine, I'll rest here for a while."

Instead, Taehyun, who was ahead of them, decided to come back down to where Lisa was. "I'll stay with her," he said calmly.

Lisa couldn't help but feel a mixture of confusion and awkwardness. She glanced between Jay and Taehyun, uncertain of how to react to the unexpected turn of events.

Jay masked his emotions well, simply nodding in acknowledgment. "Sure," he replied casually before resuming his ascent to the top.

"You don't need to wait for me. You should head back," Lisa suggested as she settled onto the bench beside the railing.

Taehyun stood across from her, his expression unreadable. "Why?" he asked.

Lisa furrowed her brow in confusion. "Um, I thought you enjoyed hiking? Why are you asking me why?"

"I just needed a break," he simply replied, his fatigue evident in his voice.

Lisa's eyes widened in realization, and she nodded in understanding.

"Oh," she said softly, suddenly empathizing with his decision to stay behind.

It was strange to Lisa that Taehyun, who had previously shown no concern for her, would suddenly choose to stay back and keep her company, especially considering they had already ended their engagement.

She couldn't shake off the feeling of confusion.

But as she observed his actions, she couldn't help but wonder: had he changed?

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