🏵️ Chapter Eight : Grief

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As the news of young Emma's passing reached her ears, Lisa's heart sank with sorrow.

Seated behind her desk, her features etched with sadness, Lisa's gaze fell upon the flower that had once been cherished by Julia.

With a heavy heart, she placed it delicately into a vase, a silent tribute to the lives lost too soon.

Guilt gnawed at Lisa as she grappled with the weight of the news.

She couldn't shake the feeling that she should have done more, that somehow she could have prevented such a tragic outcome.

Summoning her strength, Lisa reached out to Emma's grieving parents, offering her heartfelt condolences and a warm embrace.

In that moment of shared grief, words felt inadequate, but the comfort of their embrace offered comfort despite the pain.

Though she longed to ease the pain of others, Lisa belief that Emma was now at peace.

Despite the grief, there was hope in knowing that Emma's journey had come to an end, her spirit free to find rest and comfort in the embrace of eternal peace.


Monday, March 03rd, 1980

Lisa finished her morning rounds with Nurse Sana in the ward.

Afterwards, she strolled around the hospital building, basking in the warmth of the bright, sunny day.

The sunlight streaming through the windows felt comforting, and Lisa closed her eyes for a moment to soak it in.

Just as she was enjoying the peaceful moment, her pager beeped, startling her out of her reverie.

She quickly retrieved it from her pocket and read the message from Nurse Sana, informing her of a phone call waiting in her office.

Lisa made her way to her office, her mind already racing with thoughts of who could be calling.

As she entered, Nurse Sana approached her with a solemn expression.

"It's your mother on the line," Nurse Sana informed her softly.

Lisa's heart skipped a beat, her thoughts instantly turning to her family.

She nodded in understanding and picked up the phone, bracing herself for the conversation ahead.

"Hello, Mom? Is everything okay?" Lisa asked, her voice tinged with worry.

"Lisa, sweetheart, I'm sorry to bother you at work. Your father and I were hoping to have dinner tonight. We'd like to invite you over. Only us," her mother's voice came through the line, filled with warmth and excitement.

Lisa felt a wave of relief wash over her. "That sounds lovely. I'll definitely be there," she replied, her voice softening.

"We're looking forward to it. Take care, dear," her mother said gently.

"I will, Mom. Thanks for calling. Bye," Lisa replied, feeling a sense of gratitude for her parents' thoughtfulness.

"Goodbye, dear. Talk to you soon," her mother said before hanging up.

As Lisa set the phone back in its cradle, she felt happiness wash over her.

With her parents' support and the prospect of a family dinner, she knew it would be a pleasant evening ahead.

But she wasn't sure why all of a sudden.

But she wasn't sure why all of a sudden

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