🏵️ Chapter Five : Last Bloom

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Lisa, despite her own injuries, pushed through the haze of panic and pain to assist the injured mother and her helpless son.

She spoke soothingly, her voice trembling but reassuring, "Don't worry, we're going to get you to safety. Hold onto each other."

She gently moved them to a relatively safer spot away from the chaos and debris.

With the injured mother and her son now out of immediate danger, Lisa fumbled in her bag to find her phone, dialling the emergency number.

As she made the call, she spoke urgently, "This is an emergency. We need immediate medical assistance at the Lorelei train station. There are multiple casualties."

The operator on the other end assured her help was on the way, and Lisa hung up before rushing to assist other injured passengers.

As she moved through the chaos, she stumbled upon a scene that filled her heart with dread.

Julia lay on the ground, covered in dust and bleeding from her head. Blood seeped from her mouth, and her breathing was laboured.

Lisa's heart pounded in her chest as she pulled Julia away from the danger zone to a safer area.

Julia's eyes met hers, tears flowing down her face. She weakly pointed to the bouquet she had left on the ground earlier. "Save..."

With tears in Julia's eyes, Lisa nodded and whispered, "I'll save it for you."

Then, Julia's eyes closed as her life slipped away, and Lisa gently wiped the tears from Julia's eyes.

Lisa had no time to mourn as she rushed back to where Julia had pointed.

The bouquet, despite the dust and chaos, remained beautiful, each petal a testament to the love and hope it had represented.

Lisa held the bouquet close to her heart, her gaze fixed on the letter tucked inside for a few poignant seconds.

She couldn't read it now, not in this situation, but she knew it held a message of love and longing.

With a heavy heart, she carefully placed the bouquet down next to Julia.

Then, without further delay, she hurried off to assist other casualties, determined to do everything she could to help those in need.

The chaos at the train station intensified as the concrete above them began to crumble.

A deafening roar filled the air as heavy debris crashed down, causing more casualties, injuries, and panic.

Jeongguk desperately tried to shield himself from the falling debris.

He could see the danger above, but it was too late to escape.

As concrete rained down around him, he felt a sharp impact on his head, and he fell to the ground, his vision blurring.

Blood trickled from the wound on his head, and everything around him seemed to spin.

His consciousness waned as the world faded into darkness.

The chaos continued, but Jeongguk had fallen unconscious among the injured, a casualty of the disaster that had struck the station.

Amidst all the chaos, Lisa noticed a man in a uniform lying on the ground. He was badly injured and struggling to breathe.

Without hesitation, she rushed to his side, pushing past the debris to reach him.

"Can you hear me? Can you move?" she asked gently, hoping for a response.

Jeongguk managed to nod weakly, showing that he could hear her, but he was barely conscious.

Lisa worked quickly, using her medical skills to assess his injuries and provide comfort and relief.

She did her best to stabilize him, working with a sense of urgency to ease his pain and ensure his breathing remained steady.

As Jeongguk's breath grew shallower and his vision started to blur, he fought to stay conscious.

In his fading awareness, he saw a face, initially mistaking it for his beloved fiancée, Julia.

The face was filled with warmth and compassion, providing him a momentary comfort.

However, as his consciousness wavered, he suddenly realized that the face before him belonged to a stranger—a woman, Lisa, who had come to his aid.

The first words that slipped from his parched lips were "Julia..." his beloved fiancée.

" his beloved fiancée

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My Last Letter (2023)Where stories live. Discover now