🏵️ Chapter Twenty-Four : Meet Again

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Alone in her childhood room, Lisa's emotions overflowed.

She had kept them tightly contained throughout the dinner at the Kym family house and the drive home.

Sitting on her bed, she closed her eyes, allowing tears to stream down her cheeks.

The weight of everything that had transpired weighed heavily on her heart.

In that crucial moment earlier, Lisa's fear and uncertainty paralyzed her, preventing her from speaking up.

This is what she wanted – to break off the engagement with him.

Despite her inner turmoil and the silent urging of her heart earlier, she remained silent, allowing the opportunity to slip away.

Now, in the quiet of her room, she couldn't help but regret her inaction, knowing that she had let both herself and Taehyun down.

Lisa couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that consumed her.

She blamed herself for not standing up, even though she knew she wasn't solely responsible.

It was a tangled mess of emotions, leaving her feeling embarrassed and unsure of herself.

Her mind drifted back to the wise words of Grandma Annie, urging her to follow her heart and seek happiness above all else.

With a heavy heart, she glanced down at the engagement ring on her finger, a symbol of a relationship that was never truly meant to be.

It felt more like a constraint.

Taking a deep breath, Lisa removed the ring and placed it back in its box.

The weight lifted slightly from her shoulders as she made the decision to let go of the past and embrace whatever the future held.

Wiping away her tears, she resolved to take Grandma Annie's advice to heart and focus on finding her own happiness.

With determination, she prepared for bed, hoping that sleep would bring clarity and peace to her troubled mind.


As they sat together in the office room, Mr. and Mrs. Jung exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the decision that lay before them.

After a moment of shared contemplation, Mr. Jung spoke up, his voice firm but tinged with concern.

"I think it's time we have a serious conversation with Lisa," he suggested, his gaze focused on his wife.

Mrs. Jung nodded in agreement, her expression grave. "We can't continue to force her into a situation that's causing her so much pain," she admitted, her voice heavy with regret. "And now I feel bad about her."

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