🏵️ Chapter Nine : Homecoming

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Outside the South Star Medical Centre building, stood a man in his mid-30s, his brown hair impeccably groomed.

He wore a crisp blue uniform and a white coat, signaling his status as a medical professional.

It was Taehyun Kym, who had returned yesterday after completing a seven-year doctorate residency in Melbourne.

He had originally started his medical career as an intern at the South Star Medical Centre in Seoul.

After completing his internship, he was selected to pursue further training in neurosurgery through a seven-year doctorate residency program in Melbourne.

During this extensive training period, Taehyun specialized in neurosurgery, focusing on diagnosing and treating conditions of the nervous system, particularly those affecting the brain and spinal cord.

Now, having completed his residency, Taehyun has returned to his hometown of Seoul, ready to apply his advanced skills and knowledge as a neurosurgeon at the South Star Medical Centre.

Despite his serious demeanor, his emotions were difficult to discern.

Feeling uncertain about how to respond to the welcoming gestures upon his return to his homeland, Taehyun entered the building.

Upon stepping inside and looking around, his gaze immediately fell upon Lisa, who stood by the large window on the second floor.

Clad in her white coat, she held her belongings in hand, her demeanor composed yet thoughtful.

Then, he encountered Namjoon, his colleague and best friend from medical school.

"Hey, Tae! It's been ages!" Namjoon greeted him with a friendly hug.

Taehyun returned the smile. "Hey, Joon."

Namjoon grinned. "How've you been?"

As Taehyun glanced back at where Lisa had been standing, she was no longer there.

"Good. It's been a long and stressful journey," Taehyun replied, and Namjoon chuckled in understanding.

"Listen, why don't we catch up over coffee at that cafe in the building? It's been too long," Namjoon suggested, eager to spend some time reconnecting with his friend.

"Sure," Taehyun agreed, grateful for the opportunity to relax and catch up with Namjoon.

As they made their way to the cafe, Taehyun couldn't help but feel comfort in reconnecting with an old friend.


In the cozy ambiance of the South Star Cafe, Namjoon and Taehyun reminisced about their past experiences and shared their current struggles.

"So, how's life been treating you, Tae?" Namjoon inquired, taking a sip of his coffee.

Taehyun sighed, stirring his own cup thoughtfully. "It's been challenging, to say the least. The residency in Melbourne was intense, but I learned a lot."

Namjoon nodded in understanding. "I can only imagine. Speaking of challenges, I had a tough case recently. A young girl named Emma needed surgery, but..." His voice trailed off, a shadow crossing his face.

Taehyun's expression softened with empathy. "It's never easy when things don't go as planned."

"Yeah," Namjoon murmured, his gaze distant. "I still blame myself sometimes, wondering if there was more I could have done."

Taehyun reached out a comforting hand, squeezing Namjoon's shoulder gently. "You did everything you could, Joon. Sometimes, it's just out of our hands."

Namjoon managed a small smile, grateful for Taehyun's support. "Thanks, Tae. How about you? Any challenging cases during your residency?"

Taehyun nodded, recalling a particularly difficult surgery. "Yeah, there was one. I almost lost the patient, but thankfully, they pulled through in the end."

Namjoon's eyes widened in concern. "That must have been tough. Are you okay?"

Taehyun shrugged, masking his emotions behind a facade of resilience. "I'm fine. It's all part of the job, right? We just have to keep pushing forward."

Namjoon nodded, a silent understanding passing between them.

The air grew heavy with unspoken tension as Taehyun and Namjoon lapsed into a contemplative silence.

It was Namjoon who eventually broke the quiet, his voice hesitant yet determined.

"Have you heard about the incident at Lorelei Train Station a month ago?" Namjoon asked, his gaze fixed on Taehyun's reaction.

Taehyun's brow furrowed slightly in surprise, his expression unreadable.

Though inwardly taken aback, he remained composed as he absorbed the news. "No, I haven't. What happened?"

Namjoon's eyes softened with understanding, sensing Taehyun's curiosity tinged with concern. "There was an explosion at the station. It was chaotic, but Lisa was there. She played a crucial role in saving lives."

The mention of Lisa's name sparked a flicker of interest in Taehyun's eyes.

Despite their strained relationship, he couldn't deny his lingering concern for her well-being. "Is she okay?" he asked, his voice tinged with genuine worry yet monotonous.

Namjoon nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, she's fine. She sustained some injuries to her head and arm, but she's recovering well. She's a tough one, that's for sure."

Taehyun nodded in acknowledgment.

It was clear that his concern for Lisa was tempered by the distance between them, but the flicker of concern in his eyes spoke volumes.

As the conversation reached its natural conclusion, Taehyun retreated into his usual stoicism.

As the conversation reached its natural conclusion, Taehyun retreated into his usual stoicism

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