Chapter Four

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| Tadashi's POV |

Tadashi goes downstairs to the kitchen. Aunt Cass is pouring herself a cup of coffee. "Aunt Cass?"

"Hey, sweetie." She smiles.

"___'s coming over for dinner. Is that okay?"

Aunt Cass nods. "Of course. She's always welcome over here."

Hiro walks into the kitchen. "Who's coming over?"

"___," Cass says.

Hiro raises his eyebrows. "Oh." He grins at Tadashi.

"Shut up," Tadashi mouths. "And don't you have a project to work on?"

Tadashi goes into his room and works on his homework. He goes downstairs when he hears Aunt Cass call, "Tadashi! ___'s here!" Tadashi quickly walks down the stairs. As soon as he sees you, he can't help but grin.

"Hey," He breathes.

You flash a smile. "Hey."

"___, we're having chicken wings. To celebrate my soon-to-be college kid." Aunt Cass beams at Hiro, who rolls his eyes. "You know, with the hot sauce that makes our faces numb?" She says.

You laugh. "That sounds great."

"___, you need to come to the garage. Now," Hiro says.


Hiro grins. "They're finished."

"No way!" You exclaim. Hiro nods. "That's great, Hiro! Let's go check it out!"

You follow Hiro into the garage, where he has several trash bins of microbots. Hiro demonstrates them for you. At the end, you clap. "Hiro, they're wonderful! You've so got this!"

"I know," He says with a smirk.

You laugh. "You're not a bit nervous, are you?"

"Nope," Hiro says. He jumps on the old couch. "Why should I be?"

Tadashi smiles. "There's no reason to be. You've totally got this."

Hiro smiles at his big brother.

"Hiro! Come clean up this mess in the living room!" Cass yells.

Hiro sighs. "Coming, Aunt Cass."

You sit on the couch as Hiro leaves. Tadashi stands there and sighs. You pat the space beside you.

"Well? Are you going to sit by me or not?" You ask him.

Tadashi grins. "Sure, I'll sit by you." He takes a seat.

You look around the garage. "I'm really proud of Hiro."

"Me too," Tadashi says.

"I don't think he could've done it without you."

"Probably not," Tadashi says. You laugh. "You, too. Hiro definitely couldn't of done this without you."

You roll your eyes. "Yeah. Whatever." You lean back and cross your arms.

"Seriously, ___. You're smarter than you give yourself credit for." You shake your head and look away. "Really, ___."

You look at Tadashi. "I'm not smart. Not like you, anyways."

"Stop comparing yourself to other people. You're perfect just the way you are," Tadashi says softly.

"I'm hardly perfect," You whisper. You look down.

Tadashi places a finger under your chin and guides your face close to his. "Well. I think you're perfect." Tadashi closes his eyes and slowly leans in more.

You close the space and reach up to put your arms around his neck. Tadashi moves his hands to your back and slides them down to your waist. You pull away, heat rising to your cheeks. You slide away. "Um."

Tadashi smiles. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," He says awkwardly. He laughs.

You blush and look away, a small smile on your face.

Tadashi moves closer. He takes your hand. "You were. . .  okay with that, right?"

You look at him, eyes wide. "Oh, of course. Yeah. It's just. . . a little awkward." You laugh.

Tadashi smiles, and you find yourself leaning in again.


When you get back home, you immediately call Tadashi. The two of you had only kissed twice, but it was more than you'd ever dreamed of.

The two of you talk well into the night. You felt like you'd never run out of things to say. And Tadashi never seemed to get bored. You two had discovered a new relationship that was new and bright. You didn't want to miss a second of it.

You glance over at your alarm clock. The red digits tell you that it's after midnight. "It's late. I should go to bed."

Tadashi sighs. "Yeah. It is late."

You sigh. "Um. . .  tell Hiro that I said good luck for tomorrow."

"Okay," Tadashi whispers.

You smile. "Night."

"Night," Tadashi says.

You can't bring yourself to hang up. Tadashi can't, either, apparently. The two of you sit in silence for a minute. You purse your lips. Another minute passes by.

"Um," You say to break the silence, "are you going to hang up?" You giggle.

Tadashi laughs, too. "Are you going to hang up?"

"Hey, I asked you, first, Hamada."

Tadashi laughs again. Then, he whispers, "I don't want to hang up."

You feel your hearbeat thudder. You bite your lip. "I don't either. But one of us has to."

"I want to talk to you forever. I don't want to miss your voice for even a second."

You blush. "I want to talk to you forever, too. But we have tomorrow night."

Tadashi sighs. "Tomorrow night is so far away."

"It'll go by fast," You promise.

"Hopefully." Tadashi pauses. "Goodnight, ___."

"Goodnight, Tadashi."

Tadashi is the one who eventually hangs up.

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