Chapter Fourteen

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| Your POV |

It's been two days and all you've been doing is staring at the gift basket. You can't decide whether you should give it to him.

He said that he was done. That he didn't want you anymore. He doesn't want to be your friend, your boyfriend, anything. You did something to him and he's never going to forgive you for it. He probably hopes to never see you again.

But he was your friend for years. And he kissed you. That has to mean something, right? He can't just. . . push you away like that. What's wrong? He went through something traumatic. He needs to know that you're here for him. No matter what.

You bite your lip. Tadashi has been home for a day after his surgery. Maybe he's. . . more open about gifts and visits. You reach for your phone. You dial the familiar numbers and hold the phone to your ear.

"Hey, Honey Lemon," You say into the phone. "Um, are you busy? No? Okay, good. Do you want to go to the cafe or something? I need to get out."


"So you still haven't seen him?" Honey Lemon asks in disbelief. You've just told her everything.

You shake your head. "He doesn't want to see me. I don't know what I'm going to do when the semester starts." You stir your tea.

"And. . . you don't know why? He never acted strange before?"

"No," You whisper. "The day before the showcase. . . everything was so perfect."

"How so?" She sips her coffee.

"We. . ." You swallow. She nods at you, urging to go on. You lean close to her. "This is not to leave this table. Ever."

She nods. "Okay. I promise that I won't tell."

You lean in and whisper into her ear, "We. . . kissed."

Honey Lemon gasps and jumps back. "No way!"

You nod and take a drink of your tea.

"How was it?" She asks, grinning. "Oh, I just knew that you two were perfect for each other!"

"It was. . . great. He was so. . . sweet and gentle and caring and. . . I can't even explain it."

She shakes her head and smiles.

You frown. "But. . . he left me. I don't even know what I could've done."

Honey Lemon's smile falters for a moment. She places a hand on top of yours. "He's been through a lot."

You feel like you've heard this a million times. "I know."

"Hey, girls!" Aunt Cass says. She walks up to the table.

You smile. "Hey, Cass."

"How's your tea, sweetie?" She asks you. "Would you like a refill?"

"It's great and no, thank you." You reach under the table and grab the gift basket. "Actually, I wanted to know if you could give this to Tadashi."

"Of course, sweetie!" She smiles. "He'll love it. Are you sure you don't want to give it to him?"

You look down. "I think we both know that he doesn't want that."

"Oh, ___. . ." She reaches out and brushes your hair with her fingers. "I'm so sorry. It'll get better. He'll get better."

You nod.

"And I'll go give him this right now," Cass says. "Have a good day, girls."

"You, too," Honey Lemon replies. "___?"

"Can you take me home now?" You whisper. "I'm just. . . really tired."

If You Loved Me (Tadashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now