Chapter Eleven

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| Your POV |

When you lift your head, your alarm clock reads that it's just after midnight. Great. Now how will you sleep tonight? You get up and check your phone. Honey Lemon sent you a text:

I'm sorry to hear that you're sick! We saw Tadashi today. It didn't feel the same without you with us! We missed you!

You put your phone down and pull your knees up to your chest. It just didn't make sense. So he didn't want to see you, but he wanted to see them. Weren't you his best friend? And. . . when he kissed you. . .  didn't that mean that he liked you maybe a little more than friends? Apparently that didn't mean anything. Not anymore.

You take out your laptop and go through the albums of photos you have of the two of you. Watching movies, hanging out by the bay, having pizza nights with Hiro. . . years and years of memories. And Tadashi just threw them away. You cover you mouth and choke back a sob. You stare at the smiling Tadashi. Was it not clear that you loved him?

But what if you're wrong? What if he did want to see you, but he was feeling bad? He was probably tired and in a lot of pain. That explains it. It has to. Because Tadashi wouldn't just push you away like that.

You pick your phone up and text Honey Lemon back:

Yeah. I'll be back tomorrow if I'm feeling better.

Then you lay down again and close your eyes. After a while, you fall back asleep.

If You Loved Me (Tadashi x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu