Chapter Twenty

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| Your POV |

It's the opening day of Krei Tech and you're already on site. You're standing on the new concrete, staring up at the huge, new building. People are crowding around, eager to finally see it open. You can help but glance up at the sky every now and then to see if he's here.

When Krei appears, the crowd explodes in applause. You stand there, waiting for something to happen. Krei's speech is hard to even pay attention to, and it just started. You look at the sky again. You turn your head and bite your lip. When is something going to happen?

"Setback?" A voice roars. It echoes over Krei's voice in his microphone and booms through the speakers. You look up and see a wave of microbots. . .

And the masked man. The dark figure from the bay.

It's not even Krei.

"Was my daughter a setback?" He asks. That voice. You'd recognize that voice anywhere.

"Professor Callaghan," You breathe.

"Your daughter- t- that was an accident!" Krei replies. He's terrified. You look up. Microbots and pieces of a machine form on the roof. Whatever that is, you have to stop it. You have to get up there. You sprint into the building and start running up the stairs. It felt like there were a million flights. You get going, sweat pouring down your face, lungs aching. You find a doorway at the top that says, Employees Only. Inside, a closet full of beakers and wires and other lab equipment line the shelves. You spot a ladder in the back that leads up to the roof.

Halfway up the ladder, you notice that the bricks and material on the walls are loosening. You keep going. When you open up the door overhead, it flies right out of your hands. Your hair covers your face. Everything is being pulled right into the machine. It's a portal! You admire in amazement. Your inner robotic nerd self can't help but gaze.

A creaking noise brings you back to reality. You see the building around you come up in chunks and the ladder is loosening. You start going back down. The ladder flies up and you scream. You find yourself hanging upside down, grasping the rung of the ladder. The ladder is hooked on a huge chunk of concrete.

You look around. There's nothing to help you. The ladder shifts and you scream again. You close your eyes tightly. Your fingers are aching, your arms shake. You're getting ready to just let go, to just give it up-


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