Chapter Fifteen

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| Your POV |

"Tadashi?" You ask your best friend. He looks over at you.

"What?" He asks.

How did you know that you were dreaming? Well, Tadashi was talking to you, for one, and Tadashi looked like pre-fire Tadashi. You'd never even seen Tadashi after the fire. People said that he looked different. . . but there's no way that he wasn't beautiful.

"I love you," You whisper. You lean in close to him. Tadashi pulls away. He shakes his head. "What?" You ask. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to see you ever again," He says. "I don't want to see you!"

You turn away from him and break free from your dream before you could get hurt more.


You shoot up, gasping. You fall back, wiping your forehead. The tears start streaming without warning. You turn over and sob into your pillow.

This seems like routine now. Think about Tadashi, dream about Tadashi, cry about Tadashi. It never ended. It was a torturous, endless cycle. You wish you wouldn't act like this because of a boy.

But this wasn't just a boy. This was Tadashi. The one who noticed you when others didn't. Who helped you with biology homework. Who shared his chips with you at lunch. Who talked to you when you felt alone. Who held you when a scary movie got too scary. Who gave you huge parties for your birthday. Who brought you to school dances. Who took you to movie premiers of your favorite films. Who decided that he couldn't go to SFIT until you were accepted into it, too. Who told you that you were perfect. Who treated you like you were the most special person on the planet when you knew that you weren't.

Why did it all stop? Why is Tadashi shutting you out like this? What did you do to deserve this kind of neglect? Does Tadashi not realise that you need him? Does he need you?

Apparently not. Apparently, you're the only one who needs him.

You roll back over and sit up. Sleep is impossible. The dream still haunts your thoughts. You get up and decide that late night TV will help. Maybe. You check your phone. There's a text from Hiro.

I'm sorry that you're going through all of this. My brother doesn't deserve you. You're great. I'm sure he sees that. But really. You're great. Never forget that.

You smile sadly. Sometimes, Hiro really acts just like Tadashi.

(A/N): Short chapter, sorry! I'll post another one later!

If You Loved Me (Tadashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now