Chapter Twenty-One

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| Your POV |

You open up your eyes. "Hiro-" The ladder breaks off and you fly upwards. You break off with a scream. A hand grabs your arm and you feel yourself falling down.

You land on your back. The fall knocks the wind out of you. You cough and slowly turn over on your stomach.

"___? Are you okay?" A voice asks. You look over and see Hiro, dressed in purple armor, leaning over you.

You nod.

"Gosh, ___. What are you doing here?" He helps you sit up. You look around. You're in the back of the room, just outside of the closet that is now gone.

"He saved me," You struggle to say. "You were there, too. On the dock?"

"And that's why. . .?"

"I wanted to help."

"___," He says softly. "That's-"

"Hiro!" A voice shouts.

Your eyes widen. Tadashi.

"Hiro, where are you?" He shouts.

"Come on, ___." Hiro grabs your hand and pulls you to your feet. He runs towards the shattered glass window. "Tadashi!" He shouts.

"Hiro, get out of there! Callaghan is-"

A loud breaking sound makes you turn around. Glass is everywhere, and standing in front of you is Callaghan.

"You kids are getting in the way," He says, walking slowly towards you.

Suddenly, Hiro is gone. You turn and see him with Tadashi, dressed in red armor, flying away. Hiro reaches out for you, but you can't grab ahold. Tadashi didn't even see you. "Hiro!" You shout.

Callaghan grabs you. He puts his hands around your throat and you thrash around. You look into the eyes of your professor, your role model. Why would he do this? "This ends now," He says through clenched teeth.

Spots cloud your vision and your grip on Callaghan's wrist weakens. Suddenly, you're dropped. You don't hit the ground. You float up and watch as the ceiling above you is torn to pieces. The portal comes into view and you grab onto a pipe that is lodged in the pavement. Callaghan uses microbots to get out of the way.

Your feet are pointing towards the portal and you find yourself in the same position as before. This time, you know it's hopeless.

Then, just as before, you hear your name, but this time, it isn't Hiro.

It's Tadashi.

If You Loved Me (Tadashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now