Chapter Twenty-Seven

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| Your POV |

Everyone is watching, but you couldn't care less. Tadashi was here. He was in front of you. Holding you. Kissing you. He pulls away, gazing down lovingly at your blushing face. Everyone is silent.

"Tadashi," You say again.

"Yeah?" He breathes, his eyes scanning your face as if he's never seen it before.

"I-I love you."

Tadashi smiles so wide it makes you laugh. Your fingertips brush his cheeks. Most of his face is covered in white wrap, so you're not even sure how bad his burns really look. You look into his eyes, amazed to see the admiration and kindess you'd been waiting to see. He stares at your lips.

"I love you, too," He whispers.

He closes the small space between the two of you once again.

After the party, Tadashi led you outside. You stood with him underneath the beautiful cherry blossom tree. Tadashi's hands hold yours close to his chest.

"Why did you not want to see me?" You ask sadly.

Tadashi frowns. "Because. . . because . . ." He trails off, unable to finish his sentence.

"You can tell me," You say softly.

Tadashi looks down. "I'm different."

"What do you mean?" You ask. "You're the exact same Tadashi I fell in love with."

Tadashi let's go of your hands. "No. I'm not."

You shake your head. "What do you mean?"

"I mean- look at me!" He shouts.

"I am," You say carefully. "Well, I'm looking at as much of your face as I can." You smile and run your finger across the wrap on his cheek. "You're still covered up."

"Come on." Tadashi leads you to the garage. He sits down on the couch next to you. Tadashi looks at you, his eyes sad. You watch as he begins pull the white wrap off of his head. He pulls it away and it falls to the floor. He looks at his lap. "I-It's all over me. Down my chest, my back. . ."

You reach up and softly touch his scarred cheek. He did look different. But he was still beautiful. He was still kind and smart and he was exactly the same. "Tadashi, there is nothing wrong with you."


You cover his lips with your finger. "You're perfect. You look different, but that's not a bad thing." You stroke his cheek and trail your finger down his faded burns until you're at the collar of his t-shirt. "I love you so much, Tadashi Hamada." You slowly move your hands until they meet around his neck. Tadashi's hands rest on the small of your back. "Don't ever think poorly of yourself. Do you hear me? You are so perfect." You shake your head.

"I'm hardly perfect," He whispers.

"To me, you're perfect," You say. "Looks do not matter. You're a beautiful person, Tadashi."

"It's unbelievable how kind you are," He says softly. "I almost lost you twice. I can't stand to be away from you any longer."

You smile. "Good. Because if I had to stay away from you a minute longer, I would've gone absolutely mad."

Tadashi laughs. "I was going crazy without you, too. I became a hero to keep my mind off of things, mostly." Suddenly, he frowns. "It took almost losing you to realize that I was wrong."

You shake your head and smile. "It's okay," You whisper. "I forgive you."

Tadashi smiles.

"Tadashi," You whisper.

He raises his eyebrows.

"Never leave me again." You crush your lips against his. You pull away and hug him. Tadashi holds you tightly against his chest.

"I won't, ___."

If You Loved Me (Tadashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now