Chapter Ten

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| Your POV |

For the first time in what seems like forever, you're actually happy. You get dressed and ready quickly. You're going to see Tadashi today! You'll finally get to see his big brown eyes. . . his warm smile. . .

You blush as you think about the first time you kissed him. Will he kiss you when you see him? In front of his friends and family? Would he care? You smile. It doesn't matter if he does or not. Of course, if he did, it'd just make things even better.

You drive to the hospital and basically skip to the doors. You go to the front desk and say, "Tadashi Hamada?"

"Yes. . ." The lady says. "Room 809. Down the hall to the left. Just knock and his aunt should let you in." She smiles politely.

"Thank you," You say cheerfully. You walk down the halls quickly. When you see the room number, you bite your lip from excitement. This was so great. Tadashi is alive. He's alive and he's here and you're going to see him.

You raise your hand to knock on the wood, but a voice makes you pause. Tadashi's voice. "Aunt Cass, I don't want to."

You lean in closer to the wood to listen.

"Tadashi, sweetie. She's your best friend," Cass says patiently.

"No. She's not. Not anymore. I'm done. I don't want to see ___."

You stagger back, as if you were punched in the stomach. He doesn't want to see you? Why? What did you do that was so awful?

"Tadashi. . ." You hear Hiro say.

"I'm tired, Aunt Cass. I want to sleep."

"Okay. Sleep." She pauses. "But rethink what you've said. Okay?"

You can't help but shed a few tears as you run down the hallway. It feels as if your whole world is crashing down. He doesn't want to see you. Ever. Your best friend doesn't want to see you.

Maybe he's just tired. And he's in a lot of pain. That explains it. Definitely.

You go home and go straight to your bed. When Cass calls and asks why you never came, you tell her that you're sick with the flu.

"It's probably just a twenty four hour bug," You say.

"Oh. Well get better, sweetie. Drink lots of water."

"I will. Thanks, Cass. And I'm sorry that I couldn't stop by."

"Don't be sorry. Everyone gets sick. If you need anything, just call me. I can make you soup or bring over soda. . ."

You fake a cough. "Thanks, Cass. It means a lot. Um, can you tell Tadashi that I'm thinking of him? And that I'm. . . sorry that we couldn't see each other?"

"Of course. Now get some rest. You'll feel better."

"Thanks," You say. Then you hang up. You lay back against your pillows and close your eyes.

I don't want to see her.

You press your face into your pillow and cry. He can't really mean that? Right?

If You Loved Me (Tadashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now