Chapter Eight

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| Tadashi's POV |

"Tadashi? Tadashi, sweetie. . .  can you hear me?" A voice says softly. At first, Tadashi thinks that it's his mom. But that can't be it. He hasn't heard that voice in so long. . .

"Tadashi?" The voice whispers again.

Tadashi recognizes the voice. Aunt Cass. He wills his eyes to open. Slowly, they do. "Aunt Cass?" He whimpers. His eyes focus on her short and frizzy brown hair and her big eyes.

"Oh, Tadashi!" She says happily. A tear slides down her cheek. "Sweetie, it's so good to see your eyes open."

"Yeah. . ." He blinks and looks around. "I'm. . . in the hospital?"

"Yeah," She whispers, her fingers softly touching his hair. "You scared me so badly."

Tadashi takes a deep breath as he remembers the showcase. The fire. The pain. . .

"But you're alive, and that's what matters." She smiles sadly.

"How bad is it?" He whispers.

Her eyebrows pull together. "How bad is what?" She asks.

"My burns," He whispers. "They're everywhere. I know that they are. I felt them."

Aunt Cass swallows and purses her lips. "Yes. Well. . . the doctors wanted to know if surgery on reconstructing your. . . skin. . . was wanted when you healed a little more. I wanted to wait for your input."

Tadashi frowns. "It's that bad?" He whispers.

Aunt Cass smiles again. "It's not as bad as you're thinking. I guarantee it."

She was wrong. When Tadashi went into the small bathroom that was next to his hospital room and gazed in the long mirror, he realized that it was even worse that he'd thought.


| Your POV |

You're back to pacing when the doors open. It's Cass. Everyone freezes and waits for her to speak.

"He's awake," She says. Her lips pull up into the smile you've been longing to see. "He's going to make it."

You take a deep breath and feel the weight on your shoulders lift. Hiro grins and pushes his hair out of his eyes. "Can I see him?" He asks.

"Sure, sweetie. He's in the shower right now."

"How is he?" Honey Lemon asks.

"He's. . . in a lot of pain. The burns are mostly on his right side. . . but they almost cover him." No one says anything. "But he's alive. And that's all that matters."

You smile. "When can we see him?" You can't help but ask.

"Tomorrow, probably," She says. You nod. Tomorrow is so far away, You hear Tadashi's words in your head. "Thank you guys for staying here."

Everyone hugs Cass. You hug her last. When you pull away, you say, "I'm just happy that he's okay. Will you tell him that I was here?"

"Of course," She whispers. You give Hiro a quick hug before you leave.

If You Loved Me (Tadashi x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant