Chapter Eighteen

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| Your POV |

You slice through the cold water, waving your arms that suddenly feel at least one hundred pounds heavier. Your jacket limits your movement; and at this time, you're really wanting to get out of this.

The water is so cold. It bites into your skin. You open your eyes and look around. The fall made you disoriented. The water is dark and so foggy, you're not sure where the surface is. Where's the moon? The stars? You swim one way, hoping to break through the water, but you never do. You quickly start feeling exhausted. Your lungs are burning and your arms and legs are getting tired.

Then you see a figure break through the water. Your eyes are just beginning to close when you're lifted up from the water. You gasp for air and wrap your arms around the neck of your hero. You open your eyes and look up. Brown eyes stare back through a red helmet. You gasp and open your mouth to speak, but you can't find the words.

Your hero sets you down on the dock and flies off. You start to stand. Don't go, you want to scream. You can't keep leaving me like this! You notice a smaller figure clinging to his back. You can't believe this.

"Tadashi?" You say in a small, hoarse voice. "Hiro?"


You hold your arms to your chest and walk down the sidewalk. You shiver as the wind blows. The walk back home seems too long now.

Your mind is filled with so many thoughts. Was that really Tadashi? There's no way. How could he be a super hero? Well, he is brilliant. He can figure out anything.

By the time you arrive home, you're almost dry, but you're still freezing. You take a quick shower and go to lay down.

You actually saw Tadashi. Well, his eyes, anyway. His face was covered. Tadashi was there. He rescued you. Does that mean. . . he doesn't hate you? Maybe. But that doesn't make sense. After all, no one wants people to drown in front of them, even if they can't stand them.

But it meant something to you. And you can't help but smile as you close your eyes to sleep.

If You Loved Me (Tadashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now