Chapter Twenty-Two

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| Tadashi's POV |

Tadashi and Hiro are destroying microbots when he hears a scream. An ear piercing, familiar scream that makes Tadashi's heart physically ache. He looks up and his jaw drops.


You're on the top of the building, holding on to a pipe. Tadashi can tell that it won't hold up much longer. He shoots up off of the ground, flying towards you. He dodges chunks of concrete and clumps of dead microbots. He is nearing you. Your hand is slipping. You let out a cry of terror and pain as you try to hold on.

"___!" He shouts.

You look around. Your (e/c) eyes meet his and he speeds up. You looked so terrified. Yet, you looked so relieved. He had to save you. He had to. Just a few feet longer and Tadashi would have you in his arms. He would keep you from getting hurt. He would protect you.

Your fingers slip a little more. You struggle to regain your hold.

Tadashi gasps. "Hang on!"

| Your POV |

You look over and see Callaghan, floating on a platform of microbots. He's heading straight for Tadashi.

"Tadashi!" You scream as loud as you can. "Watch out!"

Tadashi looks over just as Callaghan hits him. The two of them crash into the wall of the building and everything shifts. The pipe that you're grasping moves. You're holding on with one hand.

Just as you're about to let go, a rocket fist appears from the concrete below you. Tadashi flies up into your view.

You smile.

Your smile disappears as microbots fly up and attack Tadashi. "Hang on, ___! I'll help you! Just hold on!" Tadashi fights them off with ease.  "___, look- I - I screwed up, and-" He pauses to leap over a swarm of microbots. "I know that you probably won't forgive me-"

"I forgive you," You say quickly. Tadashi looks up at you and smiles.

Then, the microbots break through. The building shifts again, and your fingers slip. "Tadashi!" You scream. You're sucked up into the portal.

"___!" He shouts. "No!"

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