Chapter Six

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| Your POV |

You climb into the drivers seat of your car and quickly back out of the driveway. You speed down the road.

I can't lose him.

You're speeding so quickly that you're sure you will get pulled over. What would you even say to the cop? Hey, sorry I'm speeding, it's just that my best friend is dying and I haven't even told him that I love him yet? Like that would work. Maybe it would. You keep going at the same speed, ignoring all of the honks and screams directed towards you.

You make it to the hospital in fifteen minutes. You literally jump out of the car and slam the door shut. Then you take off towards the emergency room doors. You slam into the front desk, tears running down your face and your hands shaking. "T- Tadashi Hamada?" You ask in a small, strained voice.

"What?" The lady replies. "Miss, you're going to have to repeat that."

You swallow. Don't throw up. You open your mouth again.

"___!" A voice says.

You turn to see Aunt Cass, Honey Lemon, Wasabi, Go Go, Fred, and Hiro. Aunt Cass is sobbing. You run forward and she pulls you into a tight hug.

The two of you stand there, both of you crying. Aunt Cass pulls away after a minute and dabs her cheeks with a tissue. "They're not sure if he'll make it or not," She says. Honey Lemon helps guide her to a seat in the waiting area. You sit beside her and take her hand. "There was a fire in the showcase. Tadashi and Hiro were nearby. We were already heading towards the cafe for dinner. I got a call saying that Tadashi ran in the building to help his professor. They both made it out. . . but. . ." Aunt Cass closes her eyes. "The building exploded and. . . and . . . they were only on the steps. Professor Callaghan isn't here. I don't know where he is. No one has seen him. The explosion burnt Tadashi so badly. I saw him. And. . ." She opens her eyes.

You nod. "Cass. . .  what do you mean that Callaghan is gone?"

Honey Lemon speaks up. "He's gone. We're not sure how. . . or where he's gone to. . . but he is. Some people are saying that Tadashi never had anyone else with him."

"He didn't," Hiro says quietly. He's sitting in the chairs across from you, all by himself. His arms are crossed and he's looking down. His hair hangs over his eyes. You squeeze Cass's hand. She smiles sadly. You let go of her hand and stand up. You take a seat next to Hiro.

"Hey," You say softly. "How are you doing?"

Hiro looks over at you. His eyes are wet with tears. "If I hadn't of wanted into that stupid nerd school, then Tadashi never would've. . ."

"Hiro, your big brother is so proud of you. He loves you so, so much. And don't forget that he pressured you into it."

Hiro smiles. "Do you think that he'll be okay?"

You take a deep breath. "I. . . don't know. I hope so."

Hiro's smile falters. He nods and lays his head down in your shoulder. "I don't want him to die," He whispers. His voice is so small, so childish. . . it reminds you of the Hiro you knew when you first met Tadashi. When Hiro was still a young kid.

"I know," You whisper back. You reach up and brush his hair back. "I don't, either."

If You Loved Me (Tadashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now