Confronting The Past Part 1

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"I don't want you to be good or bad. I want you to be Purple. We love you just the way you are."

Purple smiled at the memory of him and Green back in that universe. He loved hearing that. Hearing that at least some people cared about who he was.

It was all there was in a kaleidoscope of memories. Him with his friends. His family. The people he loved.

"You'll never disappoint me, Purple. I'll always be here for you, unlike your father. I promise.

King. He promised he'd always be there, unlike Navy.

"They don't really care, you know."

Purple turned to see him, or another him, standing there. This Purple was darker, and had a little bit more edge to his voice.

"What do you mean?"

"They don't genuinely care. None of them do. When are you gonna realize that?" Dark Purple asked darkly.

"I-I don't understand. What makes you think King doesn't care?" Light Purple asked in confusion.

"Think about everything he's done to you!" Dark Purple exclaimed. Light Purple remembered everything King did for him.

"The snapping..."

Every time King would yell out a demand.

"The swipes..."

Every time he swiped or hit at Purple.

"Hell, he tried to kill you multiple times!"

When Purple almost suffered the same fate as Gold.

"At least he regretted it! No matter what you say, King has always cared! The one thing that changed was the fact that he lost Gold! He's always cared! He's just a broken villain!"

"Thanks for the defense, kid." He heard in the back of his head.

Dark Purple scowled. "Oh my dear Purple," He began. "Why can you understand that I'm doing this for your own good!" He tackled Purple into another memory.

There was one thing he heard above all else as he fell into the memory.

"I promise I'll always be here. I won't ever leave you behind."

"Promise me?"

"I promise you."

"I won't leave you behind either, King." He said to himself.

"I'm not like your dad, Purple. I'll be here when your dad couldn't. I'll always be here for you when your dad wasn't."

"But what if I disappoint you like I did in the Nether. A-and you leave me?"

"I promise you, Purple, I'm never going to leave you. Unlike your dad, I'm not leaving."


"I promise."

"It's not real! Why can't you understand that?!" Dark Purple yelled, tackling Light Purple to the ground.

"Look, negative self, I don't know where the hell you've been in these memories, but they're real! Genuine! What part makes you think King's not always gonna be there for us!?" Light Purple asked.

"Because! Everything he's done to you isn't forgivable! He tried to kill you! Remember?!" Dark Purple exclaimed.

"Don't you understand?! King sees Gold in me! He sees his own child in someone he only wanted to use as a puppet in his master plan! What don't you understand?!" Light Purple yelled back.

"ARGH-WHY DON'T YOU LISTEN TO ME?! KING! DOESN'T! CARE! ACCEPT IT!" Dark Purple pointed at when King slammed Purple into the ground several stories below during their first battle. As Light Purple stared it closer, he could vividly see the regret cross King's face before creating the black hole.

"See that?!" Light Purple pointed at the look of guilt that crossed his face. "He regrets it! He probably still does!" He said, trying to surround himself with positive memories.

"They do care! ALL OF THEM DO! ACCEPT THAT!" Light Purple screamed as his dark counterpart disappeared in a collage of memories with an angry yell. He begun remembering everything that King and the color gang had done for him.

Including him even after everything he had done.

Green admitting they just wanted Purple...just for who he was.

He smiled at the memory of him and Green. He didn't have to be good to have friends. Or bad to please King. Just being himself was enough for them.

He remembered him and King being together in that void. King had apologized for everything, and Purple had forgiven him.

"I'm sorry, Purple..."

"For what?"

"I ignored finding family after I lost my son and fell into a blind rage. I completely overlooked what I found along the way."

"What...what do you mean?"

"...I found you. And I completely missed the family along the way."

"What family?"

"You, Purple. I found family in you. I'm so sorry for never realizing that."

"It's okay...I'm here now."

"And I always be here," Purple said to himself. He took a steadying breath before glancing at a newly formed door. "No matter what."

He grasped the doorknob before taking another breath.

"I'm coming King." He turned the doorknob and entered through the door.

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