My Boys- Chapter 10

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I felt shaking beside me and quickly realized it's was Shay.

"Come here." I whispered with open arms.

"I don't wanna bother you." She retorted softly.

"You won't, trust me and you are shaking." I argued.

She scooted into my side and rested her head on my bare chest. She we made eye contact for a few moments and just laid there. I watched as she slowly dozed off with a slight smile on her face. Then Colby turned over facing Shay's back and asked if she was asleep. I replied yes and asked why he asked.

"So I can do this." He whispered groggily.

He then snaked his arms gently around her waist.

"Sam." He mumbled.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I've been thinking."

"About what?" I questioned.

"You know what a throuple is right?" He asked and I turned my head to look at him in the slight darkness. His features were illuminated by the moon light seeping through the window.

"Yeah." I answered.

"That wouldn't be bad, right?"

"Yeah we would all be happy. I think."

"Okay just making sure it wasn't it me."

"Mhm" I replied, drowsiness taking over my body.

"Okay goodnight love." He said and my stomach did backflips.

"Goodnight Colebear."

And with that I was out cold.


The door slammed open and we all jumped. It was Shayla's mom, guns blazing, coming to disturb the peace as usual.

"I knew it you fucking slut bag and you fucking liars!"

cliff hanger check
Predictable check
Drama check
Two chapters back to back check
Good stuff 👌
Updates soon I hope until next time stay safe my loves 💗

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