My Boys - Chapter 11

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Shay's POV~

Chapter songs Daylight by David Kushner and YEAH RIGHT by Joji AND Paradise by The Neighborhood

"Come here." I heard a raspy voice I knew all too well whisper.

He had open arms and looked gorgeous in the moonlight. He looked very comfortable and I didn't want to ruin that

"I don't wanna bother you." I confessed.

"You won't, trust me and you are shaking." He argued.

I gave in and cuddled into his side with my head on his warm, comforting chest. I felt his eyes on me and got the guts to make eye contact. He smiled a gentle smile that was very contagious. He draped his arm over my waist and I started to drift off. I heard some mumbling but I brushed it off as I comfortably fell asleep quickly.

Then my mom decided to ruin everything like usual.

"I knew it you fucking slut bag and you fucking liars." She spat.

She then slammed the door shut and I fell back on the bed. Staring at the ceiling and ignoring what was being said.

I'm so over it. She is right though. I have two boys in my bed and they aren't mine. I am also still 17 so bonus points.

"Shay snap out of it, please!" Sam begged.

I choked on my words and all I could do was hug him tight as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"You shouldn't believe her." Colby said as he rubbed my back.

"Yeah, it's not true." Sam said as he rubbed my back.

I pulled away and looked him in his pained eyes.

"But it is kinda true." I whimpered.

I'm not going to cry in front of them again. All I've done is make myself look like a fool by crying all the damn time.

"Don't think that way. Why would you think that way?" He looked over at colby who was sitting up supported by his arm.

"I have two boys that aren't mine in my bed and to make the situation worse we were all cuddling." I blurted out and climbed over Colby to get out of bed.

I checked my fitbit and saw it was 2 in the morning. I threw a hoodie on, grabbed my phone, grabbed my pepper spray and left the room. I saw Jake was sound asleep on the couch like a baby. I grabbed his car keys and decided to go to the field. I have my learners permit but I failed my first drivers test and now I'm scared to take it again.

I connected my phone and played some songs by The Neighborhood. Paradise came on and I rolled the windows down as the streets were empty. I parked some distance away from the field and trudged my way through the thick grasses until I got to our spot.

I just layed there, alone, for what felt like forever and I didn't mind. I was finally at peace. I forgot about this place until the boys came back. I hadn't come here since they left.

Jakes POV~

"Dude Shay dipped, we gotta go find her!" Sam said while he shook me awake.

A tear slipped down his face and he quickly wiped it away.

"What!?" I sat up abruptly as Colby repeated what Sam said.

"Why'd she leave? Dude my keys are gone!" I shouted at the realization.

"What the hell is going on!?" Shay's mom, Jennifer asked.

"Nothing, we'll be back soon." I said as we left.

"She's most likely at the field so let's go." I announced then started jogging and they followed. We made it to the field after 20 minutes because we stopped running half way. Once the field was in sight Sam booked it to our spot. Colby and I followed not too far behind. Sam tackled her in a hug after she lowered her pepper spray.

"What the hell Shayla! You can't just take off in the middle of the night!" I scolded while hugging her.

"I just needed to clear my head. I'm sorry." She mumbled and let go.

Sam snaked his hands around her again tightly from the front, letting another tear slip. Colby wiped his face then joined them and hugged her from behind. I cooed and they let go.

"So why the hell did we have to run for 20 minutes to find Shay who took my car without a license." I questioned.

"Not it" Shay started sounding monotone due to the early hours and touched her nose.

Colby caught on quickly, leaving Sam to do the talking.

"Well Jennifer for some reason was up at 2, bragged in her room. She said and I quote 'You fucking slut bag and you fucking liars.' Then she left. We talked for a bit, Shay thinks what she said is true, only the first part I hope and she dipped." Sam explained.

"I mean technically she's not wrong but like how were you guys sleeping?" I asked.

"It's easier if we just show you." Colby admitted and they got in position.

I quickly snapped a photo.

"Yeah that makes sense. You gotta remember she is still 17, living with her parents, her mom clearly just doesn't like any of us and she caught you guys cuddling like that." I reasoned.

"Yeah I guess." Sam agreed.

They were still cuddling, they all had their eyes shut and You could see the love radiating off of them. I decided to lay down too and we woke up to Shay's alarm a few hours later.

Shay's POV~

"Guys we gotta go!" I shouted attempting to get up.

"A few more minutes wont hurt." Sam murmured, pulling me in tighter and Colby did the same.

"No, I'm gonna be late!" I warned.

"Yeah we gotta go guys."

We left and headed home and I got ready for school.

As I was in the bathroom doing my makeup my mom walked in.

"So you've got two boyfriends eh?" She asked.

"No it's not like that. We came in pretty late last night and we didn't want to wake you by blowing up the air mattress." I explained.

"Mhm, if you say so whore." She muttered and walked away.

I fed Virgo, gave her some water and then left for another long day.

wow ive posted two days in a row. Imma be honest the last chapter was just something i fantisized the night before i wrote it. anyway expect many more chapters to come cause i finished my divers ed! love yall stay safe my peeps. Comment if you think i should continue writing this book. PS i forgot about reggie again...

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