My boys - chapter 30

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Shay's pov~
"You little bitch don't talk to me like that! You are my daughter! I brought you into this world, so I can-"

"Take me out?! Please do! It's better than dealing with your bullshit every fucking day!" I screamed losing every bit of patience I had.

"Have you lost you damn fucking mind?" She asked almost a whisper staring me down.

"Yeah actually. I have. I. Can't. Stand. You. Any. Fucking. More." I replied in the same tone balling my fists in case she swings.

She turned her back to me and walked away to her room. I stood there for a solid 5 minutes just trying to understand what I did.

I numbly walked into my room, feeling drained and flopped on my bed. Virgo came and curled up with me and I fell asleep.

I jumped up in the middle of the night to my father barging in my room. The door handle busted a hole in my wall from how hard he slammed it open.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" He spat, aggressively walking towards me.

I grabbed my spare pepper spray from my secret compartment behind my bed. It was almost empty and prayed I wouldn't have to use it.

"Tearing this family that I pulled together apart?!" He growled.

"I don't think so asshole." He muttered with a chuckle.

"I want you. Out my. Mother. Fucking. House. By the start of summer. Do you. Fucking. Understand!? He shouted in my face with emphasis on certain words. I simply nodded feeling sick of this.

Maybe I could do my last year of high school in la.

He punched a hole in the wall as he left my room.

I just sat there for a second feeling numb. Processing what is happening.

I'm being kicked out again. What if Jake doesn't take me in? What if I have to live out on the streets? No, Jake would take me in. But what if I mess up and he kicks me out too.

A tear streamed down my face from the overload of thoughts. I grabbed my phone from its place. I climbed out the window and laid on the cold concrete road.

"Jake?" I called for his name when the phone stopped ringing.

"Why are you calling me at 2 in the morning?" He asked sounding annoyed.

"I'll just call you in the morning then." I replied softly trying not to cry.

"Hey hey what is it?" He questioned, his voice comforting and laced with concern.

"They are kicking me out this summer."

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