My Boys- Chapter 12

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Chapter songs Pretty girl by Clairo, More than friends by Aiden bisset and You get me so high by The neighborhood.

We dropped shay off at school because she was going to be late.

"Bruvuhs Shay said she made it in on time." I stated.

"Thats good. Tell her we will pick her up at normal time." Jake said from behind the wheel.

"Okay." I replied and texted her.

"Soooo what are we doing today?" Sam questioned.

"Exploring duh!" Jake told sam.

"I know that I mean right now dumbass!" Sam ended with a laugh.

"Ohhhhh uhm I have no idea brother." Jake responded.

"Well lets go to the field then." I suggest getting excited for later.

"Yeah and we play board games and eat soooo many snacks!" Sam added, rambling a little.

"Colbyyyy!" He shouted waving his hands in my face. I didn't realized I was admiring him with a soft smile on my face. I quickly looked away, trying not to turn red but i couldn't control it.

"Someone's flusteredddd~" Jake gushed looking at me in the rear view mirror.

"Shut up!" I muttered, turning an even deeper shade of red.

They both laughted a bit and them we arived at the dollar store.

"I got the snacks!" Jake exclaimed and took off.

"I guess we got the games?" Sam stated almost like a question.

"Yep." I reply popping the p.

I grabbed his hand and lead him to the games section.

"What in the world is Topling Timbers?" I aked picking it up with my free hand to get a closer look. (Yes I saw this in dollar tree :')

"What the hell?! It's an off brand genga I guess?" He questioned sounding perplexed.

I put the unusual puzzle down and contined looking at the other games. Sam's warm and small hand still in mine.

"What about Cards Against Humanity?" Sam asked.

"Can't go wrong with that one." I affirmed.

We grabbed a few more including Connect 4, Candyland, Sorry and Trouble. Sadly I had to let go of his hand to hold the games. Then we found Jake and he had all the good snacks. We paid for our items and headed to the field.

-Time skip-

We were at the field for about 7 hours and we are on our way to pick up shay from school. I got out the car and she hopped in. I got back in after her.

"Im back bitchessss!" She shouted while she buckled her seat belt and put her bag in her lap.

"Yeah we know." Jake joked.

"Heyyy what's that supposed to mean?!" Shay questioned sounding offended.

"Nothing." Jake replied.

"Whatever!" She scoffed.

"Anyway when are we going exploringggg?" She sang causing me to smile.

"Well sunsets at 8 so we would want to be out of there by then." I said still smiling at her.

She looked up and smiled at me causing me to snap out of it. I don't know what was up with me today.

"It takes like 45 minutes to get to the building." Sam adds.

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