My boys - chapter 17

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Shay's pov~
"We should eat before we all get too hungry." Sam recommends and on que Jake's stomach growls.

"Sounds like a good idea cause we know what happens when we are all hangry." Colby reminded with a sweet chuckle.

"Waffle House?" I suggest with a small smile on my face. I don't eat it without them so I'm gonna eat as much of it as possible with them.

"Yeah!" Jake agrees because he's Jake.

"Ew Waffle House?" Reggie questioned and we all froze, jaws dropped.

"How dare you disrespect Waffle House like that!?" I exaggerate and put my vans and hoodie on.

"Waffle House is kinda our thing. We only go there with each other and the food isn't all that bad." Colby defends.

"Oh okay. So do you guys want me to stay here orrrr." Reggie asked.

"No you are part of the family and you are going to like Waffle House. You have no choice." I explain.

"Last one in the car is a smelly fart!" Jake shouts and runs out the door, closing it behind him.

"Ahhhh!" Sam shouted and ran to the car.

I tripped and fell being the clumsy person I am but Colby got out the car and helped me up.

"Guess who's a smelly fart!" Reggie taunted and I side eyed him.

"It's not my fault I'm clumsy!" I defend myself.

"Mmm yeah it is." Sam retorted and I also side eyed him.

"Someone is cranky!" Jake shouted and reversed out of the small empty driveway. Both of my parents work late tonight so the house is all ours!

"Shut up I'm just hungry." I say and lay my head on Sam's shoulder with my eyes closed. He put his hand on my thigh. Oh my god he put his hand on my thigh! Holy shit okay don't panic.

"You good?" Sam asked and I lifted my head to look at him to find a concerned look on his face.

"Yeah." I tried to reply nonchalantly and failed because of a voice crack.

"Maybe if your hand wasn't on her thigh she wouldn't be freaking out about it." Jake added looking at us in the rear view. Sam didn't move his hand. He just rested his head on mine.

Time skip to at the restaurant~

"Hi I'm your server what can I get you guys to drink."

Sam elbowed me and I smacked his arm. Of course our waiter happens to be the same one from last time who I humiliated myself in front of.

We all ordered our drinks and everyone but Reggie was starring at me.

"Okay I get it, I know who that is! Please leave me alone jeez.!"

"I feel like I'm missing something?" Reggie half questioned half stated.

"Last time we were here Shay absolutely embarrassed herself when that same waiter asked what we wanted to get she said 'your number' and she was so flustered! You are cute when you are flustered by the way." Colby explained and the  last part directed towards me making me blush. Sam eased his hand onto my thigh again. And after everyone finally stoped laughing at me the waiter brought us our drinks and we order our food.

"The food isn't bad, it's actually pretty good! Reggie confessed with food in his mouth.

"Ew close your mouth!" I said making a face and then taking a bite of my French toast.

Time skip to back home~

"Dude I'm so full I just want to sleep!" Jake confessed.

"Sleep is for the weak!" Reggie shouted and walked towards the games we got.

"You guys wanna play heads up or uno?" He asked looking towards all of us on the couch almost in a food coma.

"Heads-up because you guys don't want the smoke in uno." Sam exaggerates with one of his stupid remarks that always make me laugh.

"If we play uno you are going down!" I retort win lots of hand gestures.

"So heads up?" Reggie asks again.

"Yeah." Colby replies.

"Youngest to oldest?" I suggest with a smile assuming I'm the youngest.

"Sure so it would go Shay, Reggie, Me, Colby and then Sam ." Jake explained.

"I'm surprised you are smart enough to figure that out" Sam joked with a cute chuckle and I couldn't help but giggle.

"You think that's funny huh?" Jake asked.

"Why are you coming for me!? I didn't make the joke!" I blurted.

"Cause you laughed at me." Jake pouted.

"I did not oh my god you are literally a baby."

"Heyyyy no surprise for you then!" Jake pouted even more.

"Surprise? I thought Reggie was the surprise?" Jake is so confusing.

"There WAS another one but NOT ANY MORE!" he emphasized.

"Okayyyyy. Anyway are you done shuffling?" I asked Colby and he handed me the deck with an adorable little smile.

A/n "sleep over sleep over no girls allowed" ahh I love these boys sm anyway I'm gonna start writing chapters around this length so maybe they will be easier to write. Have a good day/night stay safe 🫶🏽

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