My boys - chapter 35

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Jake's pov~

I woke up to the sun shining through Shay's white curtains. They aren't very good at keeping the light out.

I got off of the bed and went to use the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, peeing and washing my face I threw some clothes on. Nothing special just a white tshirt and black jeans with a belt.

After getting ready I gently woke Shay awake.

"Shay it's 8:30 let's go eat. We get the keys at 10." I gently informed her.

As she left the room I called the boys.

"Hey when are you getting here again?"

"We should arrive at 2pm." Sam reminded.

"Don't forget to pick us up please Jake." Colby pleaded.

"Okay okay I won't. I gotta go see ya soon." I said and hung up.

A few minutes later Shay came back into the room. Fully dressed and ready for the day.

"Hold on let me do my makeup." She spoke softly with a smile.

Okay maybe she isn't ready yet.

"Just be quick." I replied.

Virgo jumped and curled up on her lap as she did her makeup for the next 20 minutes.

"Okay I'm ready!" She shouted and we put our shoes on. She lives 20 minutes away from the airport. How am I gonna do this.

"So we should get I hop since it's just us two and I know you love that big meal they have." I explained. If I can get her full enough she'll take a nap and I'll be able to drive to the airport no questions asked.

"Sounds yummyyyyy." She agreed daydreaming about the food as we walked to the car.

"Okay you are driving." I stated and tossed her the keys. She thinks this is a rental car when in reality it's hers. It's a beige mini cooper because all she talks about is 'it's so aesthetic and pretty!' So I bought it for her.

"Dude this is literally my dream car!" She exclaimed jumping up and down like a kid.

"I know that's why I rented it." I said with a pleased look on my face.

We made it to I hop alive! She will for sure pass that test.

After eating she of course fell asleep in the car after a few minutes and I drove us to the airport.

I spotted the boys waving me down and pulled up to where they were.

"Hey guys!" I 'bro hugged' both of them and told them Shay was knocked out in the car.

"Did you guys eat?" I questioned.

"Yeah we had airport Dunkin' " Sam replied.

"Okay then I'm taking us straight to the apartment to get the Kay's then we'll get the U-Haul."

"Sounds like a plan!" Colby added.

We got in the car making sure to close the doors quietly and drove to the apartments. When we pulled up I tapped Shay on the shoulder walking her up.

"Shay we're here." I whispered.

"Okay so we're going inside?" She questioned with a yawn.

"Yep!" One of the boys shuffled in the backseat causing her to look.


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