My boys - chapter 24

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I woke up at 6 because that's when I normally wake up. I smiled at the pillows beside me and their warmth. I didn't want to get out of bed but I did anyway. I took my time making my bed because I find it therapeutic.

Virgo was knocked out at the bottom of my bed all curled up and looking cute. I filled her water bowl and her kibble bowl then headed to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

Once I returned to my room I threw on some black leggings, a black California crop top that Jake sent me when he first moved there, and a black hoodie over it.

I took one last look at myself in the mirror and realized my face was purple from my mom. I pulled up my hood and put my sneakers on. I grabbed my wired headphones and my phone, turned on my playlist titled I'd rather be alone and left out the window.

I checked and made sure their cars were in the driveway. It was Sunday so my mom is off and my father goes to work at 4 in the afternoon.

I ran a mile to the field and back. While I was at the field I let myself reminisce on all the time we spent together here.

I returned home around 7:30. I put my phone where it belongs and changed my outfit. I chose a yellow no name t shirt and some black jeans. I paired that with Sam's hoodie I stole.

I then took thirty minutes to do my makeup. I redid my eyeliner about 3 times and then gave up. I just put on my lashes and concealer over the now purple and black handprint.

The concealer wasn't very good so you could only see it if you really looked for it.

I sat in bed with Virgo and read my newest book. Newest readable one anyway. It was all the bright places. Little did I know that it was soon to be one of my favorites.

I checked my phone when I started getting hungry and realized it was 9:36. I grabbed my skateboard, my wallet, a penny board and put my phone inside my bra so it wouldn't be seen.

I told my mom who was on the couch that I was going to a friend's house. Then I took off for what could have been my home.

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