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Welcome everyone to BATCH FIVE of our...

With this batch, we are going to see the reviews of the following contestants;

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With this batch, we are going to see the reviews of the following contestants;

025 Tsuki

026 ThatGirl

027 Phoenix

028 Bibimbaplady

030 Zoë

Ready? Let's get into it!😍🔥

025 Tsuki

Prompt: Everyday, the same thing keeps happening...

Story Entry;

Everyday the same thing keeps happening. Each morning begins with the loud wails of a mother begging for the life of her son, one she had welcomed into the world the day before. It ended the same way. The child was not spared and the Nile welcomed a new soul. Some days, only one cry was heard. Other days, there were more cries from mothers and babies alike. Many of them prayed but it was like Elohim had turned deaf. Abba said we should wait patiently; He would answer our prayers. I hoped so, considering Ema was soon due and the midwives had predicted a male child. I wish they were wrong. They weren't.

The Nile kept devouring more boys. Families wept everyday because of their children. Some mothers died of broken hearts. Lifeless eyes which had lost hope, lips cursed the Pharaoh and his family, hearts cried out to Elohim; some, in desperation, also prayed to the Egyptian gods. Elohim had abandoned his people. Abba made sure none of that happened in our home. He made sure we prayed to Him every dawn and at sunset. The Lord is still with us," he always said. "We still live, we still have a roof and food and...He keeps your brother quiet." Ema always laughed at his words but they seemed true. As noisy as that newborn was, he became a mute whenever the soldiers were around. That was how we hid him for nearly three moons.

We couldn't hide him forever. He grew more restless and we had to do something. Ema came up with a plan, a one no one agreed with. "You want to feed my son to the Egyptians? Jochebed what are you thinking?!" Abba raised his voice. Moments like this, Aaron and I preferred staying in the inner room.

I drew the curtains to make the place quieter. The child was trying to fall asleep and Aaron was telling him stories. "Amram." Em sounded distressed. "He will come back to us. By Elohim, he will. My son will not be harmed." She did not even sound sure. "Let's give it a tr-" she was cut of by a scream that cut through the air.

"Please! Spare them!" Them. Two boys. My heart broke for her as her sobs filled the air. I heard the sound of metal and the threatening tone of the soldiers.The woman, whose voice I soon recognised as one of Em's cousins', kept pleading, begging. I heard more voices speaking the language of my people. They were telling her to stop from the noise, I knew she didn't. I heard screaming, cursing. It was a discordant mixture of sounds. I cradled the now whining infant to my chest, hoping the din died down soon enough.The silence descended suddenly. A chill ran down my spine. The aura of death spread across. The child whimpered and I held him closer. Across the room, Aaron hugged himself.

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