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We're here again for another nomination ground where we give the audience the chance to nominate their favorite contestants up for the Diary Night session. So, the ball is in your court! Which of the contestants are you interested in having on the hot seat tomorrow, for the Diary Night session??🔥

Comment their pen names INLINE here!

Also feel free to ask questions that you would want these contestants to answer, here. For example, if you nominate any contestant, you should indicate INLINE here, the name of the contestant and the question that you are willing for them to answer. Only a few questions will be selected.

Also, the JUDGES CONFESSIONAL goes hand in hand with the Diary Night and the Judges have already spoken amongst themselves and selected one of their own to be here with you tomorrow, so ask questions INLINE here! If you want some spoilers and teasers, concerning the Judges Verdicts and all of that, this is your chance o! Miss it at your own detriment o. If you have questions for the Judges, comment INLINE here!

Anticipate the batches of Judges Reviews that will be posted today! We cant wait to show you all the Judges have to say about the contestants' entries! Ciao!👏

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