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Y'all know what time it is.

It's time for another session of

Three contestants were interviewed this time, including the audience-nominated contestant

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Three contestants were interviewed this time, including the audience-nominated contestant.

Yes, it's going to be an interesting one.

Without much further ado, let's welcome our first contestant.

014 Bema

Moderator(M): Welcome to your Diary Night interview, 014 Bema. Are you ready?

Contestant(C): Yeah, I am.

Q: How is your confidence level in Project Pen? You seemed to do very well in the first stage, are you confident that you will also do well in this stage?

A: Well, I have met a lot of talented writers in the house and I have read their works. It can trigger one to be insecure but looking at how far I have come, I feel really good and confident. I'm so glad to be a part of this season.

Q:  What's your experience in the Project Pen House? Have you made any friends? Shout outs?

A: My experience has been amazing. I have made amazing friends in the house. We talk, vibe, and joke a lot. It feels good to be in a group where you feel welcomed.

Q:   Were there any of the Judges' Reviews that made you feel a certain way? Good or bad?

A: I didn't have a reason to feel bad about the reviews I got. My errors were pointed out and I took them into consideration. Though the AI part made me feel a little down but for my work to be compared to that of artificial intelligence, it means I'm quite intellectual.😌

Q:  Your favourite judge?

A: Shakespeare is my gee honestly. His reviews keep me stunned because he's quite different. Judge Jk Rowling and Jane Austen, I love them. The way they point out errors will challenge you to be better.

Q:  The Judge you're a bit afraid of?😂

A: I ain't scared of anyone AT THE MOMENT but I want to please the Judges and kinda seek their validation. I mean, that's why they review my work.

Q:  Do you think you could make it as the last man standing, Bema?

A: Of course. It's time to show these ladies that the men aren't here to play. 😌


Q: Arrange the Judges according to who is who? (As in which judge hides behind which pen name)

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