4. Rainbow in Chandelion

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Chandelion's white gate covered with morning dew, Berry looked cute that morning in a knee-length navy blue skirt and white shirt with a navy blue blazer, with a yellow tie. Her tiny feet entered the courtyard beautifully. The yellow tulips brighten up the Chandelion. You can see several eagles starting to fly, watching human movements from the corner of their sharp eyes."Berry..Berry..", a voice called him, Berry then turned to the source of the sound,"Do you still remember me?" said the curly girl with a smile, "Edel, how could I forget", answered Berry happily, Edel was her first friend at Chandelion.

Then two boys came rushing in, "Edel, you left us", said the curly-haired boy, while the other boys were silent while catching their breath."Sorry guys, oh, oh, Berry, introduce Danny and Zeke, Danny with curly hair and Zeke with thick glasses with wavy black hair, he's a genius," praised Edel and Zeke only blushed."Hey, you're just praising Zeke, what about me?", protested Danny,"You're good at pissing me off," teased Edel while sticking out his tongue,"Watch it," joked Danny."Hey, there's a rainbow", Zeke said to his friends who were arguing, Berry, Danny and Edel looked up at the sky. they were amazed. 

A beautiful rainbow, due to last night's rain, the first rainbow he saw together with his new friend.The other children started walking past the four of them, they woke up from their rainbow daydream and had to go to class immediately. Chandelion walls are all white and marble floors, Berry and friends walk along the corridor to the right where the calculus classroom is located to the west of the building. Occasionally you can see a painting of an old school principal. After walking down the corridor for a long time, I finally saw a board that said calculus class.Berry stared at the long corridor on the right, about fifteen meters long, at the end of the corridor there was a ventilation window that lit up the corridor. 

Edel immediately pulled Berry's arm, "Come on Ber, hurry up!" Berry hurriedly walked into the corridor, there were three doors in the calculus corridor, the two doors on the left were the classroom door and the bathroom door, one door on the right was the door to the calculus teacher's room. Along the corridor decorated with portraits of mathematicians who looked serious in thought.Their entourage entered the room, Berry saw neatly arranged wooden benches and tables. 

There were four rows, five empty seats in each row, all seats were filled except for the five empty seats by the window, then Edel filled the first empty seat, Danny second, then Zeke and Berry. Berry looked around him, he felt awkward and foreign.After a few minutes, came an old man wearing glasses with unkempt half-bald white hair, medium stature and a little fat and a thick mustache. His face was serious as he tidied up books and important documents on his desk. And it seems this father is looking for something in a pile of papers. "Aha!", his face brightened when he found the paper he was looking for. 

The students were just stunned to see it."Oh, good morning children, I am Professor Eynsten, I will be teaching this calculus class," he greeted with a smile. He then looked at a piece of paper containing the names of his students, after a few minutes, he placed the paper on the table, he then took a few steps forward leaving the paper behind."It's time for you to introduce yourself", Professor Eynsten paused."Starting with Izzi Ostworth", he said.A blonde girl with long hair stood up from her chair, "My name is Izzy Ostworth", she greeted calmly. Izzy is a beautiful girl with blue eyes and a high nose, her smooth hands brushed aside her loose hair, and waved gracefully, making the whole class mesmerized by her, after introducing herself, Izzy then sat down.

"Elly Osworth", said the professor later, a girl who looked like Izzy Osworth stood up, "My name is Elly Osworth, Izzy's twin sister", Elly blushed, Elly was as beautiful as Izzy, but Elly wore a ponytail and glasses, she looked more shy than twin brother. The classroom was silent for a moment, seeing their uniqueness.Then the Professor called his students one by one,"Abel Humboldt", he called, Abel looked calm and dignified, his eyes looked like a smart young man."Neela de Barry", Neela curly black hair, she smiled briefly, then sat back down."Agy Riemann", Agy is of medium stature, his hair is neatly combed, his watch is sparkling with diamonds, his shoes are the most shiny of all students.

"Abel Humboldt", this man was big and well built."Adolf Wilhelm", this man has a tall body and wears all-black accessories, a bandana and all-black bracelets."Abby Kaluza", her black hair is in two pigtails."Theodor Schwann", a youth who was shorter than Adolf, had straight black hair, and wore the same accessories as Adolf."Angelica Oswald", a girl with blonde hair in two braids, and wearing accessories that are exactly what Abby is wearing. Angelica, Adolf, Abby and Theodor all have a particular taste for black.

"Levi Ardenne", a thin young man with protruding knees, his body looks frail."Gert Forbe", stocky, untidy with a super cool style."Luis Neumann", similar to Gert, has a mischievous glint in his eyes."Mario Knef", a blond and arrogant young man, in the same gang as Gert and Luis."Isabella Brendan", a tall girl with long curly red hair, a slightly freckled face with a firm tone of voice, like the leader type."Alice Terry", a petite girl with a tiny face and smooth way of speaking.Then new friends Berry, Danny Nazimova, Edelweise Garcia, Zeke Dekker and.."Berry Crystal Arquette", then he introduced himself nervously not even daring to look at his classmates. Professor Eynsten looked at Berry questioningly, then smiled."Okay, that's the last one, as your homeroom teacher, I hope you can get to know each other and be good friends, today's enough introductions, school continues the next day."

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