13. Sunny

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He climbed the stairs slowly and rushed into his room before his grandparents knew he was gone in a few hours chasing shadows. His face looked out of the window to see Abby, Theo, Adolf, and Angelica waving, Berry returned it.The girl threw herself on the bed, then covered herself and thought hard about the stupidity she was doing. But, he was also very curious, he wanted to join Abby and friends. However, he remembered the services of Surath's grandparents, adoptive parents who were willing to raise him, and now he has disappointed him. He remembered his grades were still dropping.After his brain thought and contradicted each other, he decided to focus on school and try to get rid of his desire to join Abby's gang.


Day by day her determination to study grew stronger, this was her way of showing her gratitude to her kind grandparents. Without the help of his colleagues, Berry studied alone, he practiced day and night. Fling also accompanies him to study, helps him memorize and count. And cheer him up when he's tired.Meanwhile, his colleagues, who had half given up on teaching Berry, began to enjoy seeing Berry's progress from day to day getting better.Berry also missed his friends, when Berry saw them at school, he called him."Edel, Zeke, Danny," Berry called out."Oh, hi, Ber," Danny said, but Zeke and Edel fell silent.

"Edel, Zeke, I'm sorry for my behavior yesterday, I.... I....,""It's okay, hehe....," Zeke and Edel answered together."I managed to pass!" exclaimed Berry spontaneously."Haha.... yes, we know, we are also worried about your situation and are monitoring you from afar, good luck...," replied Edel, Berry, and Edel hugged each other."Hug me too dong ....," said Danny."You just hug me...." Zeke replied."Iddiiih .... sorry yah ....," replied Danny.That afternoon in Chandelion Park, the cold atmosphere of the past few weeks melted away in an instant, the sun was shining again.Berry's friends also praised Berry's persistence in facing her exams. Berry also said that he studied day and night. He gets up every dawn to repeat his lessons, not forgetting to eat and drink healthfully.

Story of BerryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora