19. Oak's friends

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Sunlight began to sneak in the corners of his eyes, a fragrant smell began to seep into his tall nose. His eyes opened slowly. Apparently, he wasn't dreaming, he could still feel all those shady trees, grass, and flowers that spoiled his eyes."Hey Ber, are you awake?" Tedder poked Berry from behind the trees. Berry rubbed her eyes."Hi Berry, how did you sleep last night," said Ante friendly."Very well done Ante," he replied."Ante and I want to show you around," Tedder said."With pleasure," answered Berry.Berry got up and got excited, he followed wherever Ante and Tedder flew. 

Tedder snaked through the oak trees and grass. Occasionally he greeted the other fairies he met. Berry also felt cared for by them."Ber, come here," Tedder and Ante approached the burrow. Tedder entered the burrow, then came out again followed by the white chocolate bunny and three baby bunnies, their noses twitching cutely."Mom bunnies just had their little ones...," Tedder smiled at Berry."That's funny....," Berry stroked the rabbits who were shy. Berry saw Ante and Tedder talking in another language to the mother bunny, then laughed, I don't know what they were talking about.

Then, they continued their walk. The berries were taken to a vast green meadow, where colorful wildflowers grew. he saw lots of colorful butterflies flying around. They fly like dancing.Berry really fascinated him, this view is really beautiful. He could not hold back and ran to the meadow where the butterfly was flying. Faintly he heard Ante and Tedder shouting at him.As if lulled by a beautiful song, she dances in the grass and flowers. He really wanted to catch one of those colorful butterflies. His hands began to reach around, and finally caught a butterfly with a golden yellow pattern. He watched the butterfly, and he saw a yellow flash, then felt a small stun that surprised Berry. 

"Aaakkhh," he screamed restrained, the butterfly was released and returned to the group. Ante and Tedder rushed to Berry. "Berry, it's a butterfly with a sting like a bee...." Tedder explained worriedly.Berry endured the pain, "Is it dangerous?" he asked."Well, it's not lethal, just enough to make your skin red for three days. I warned you earlier, but you got too excited and...""It's okay ... it's not your fault," said Berry embarrassed. Ante then stares at Tedder uncomfortably."Would it be fine if we continue on our way?" he asked."It's okay, just a small wound ....," Berry's face pouted.No one spoke as Berry was led through the undergrowth. Berry walked in the woods with anxiety. It was getting deeper and deeper and the air was getting damper and darker.

 The pine trees are getting taller. The sound of eerie silence like this is more sinister. Berry wished someone had better broken the glass in this forest to contribute a vote."Be careful, Ber....," whispered Tedder, Berry nodded.His gaze swept across the forest, unexpectedly something moved in the distance,"Tedder, what is that thing?" Berry was abysmal when he saw a shadow moving in the distance."What creature?" he asked."Wh...did you...didn't you see? He's big...big and black...." Berry almost lost his breath. Tedder just squinted, trying to come up with an answer."We better keep going," Ante said. Berry also obeyed, he continued to walk step by step along the gravel and wet fallen leaves.A breath that sent chills down his spine, was felt right behind him. 

He immediately turned around, and he saw a puff of black smoke dissipated in an instant."An...te..., Ted...er..., I'm pretty sure there's something in here," he groaned.Out of the corner of his eye he saw a deer-like creature with horns watching in the distance, faint but clear, but it was gone in the blink of an eye."Bu... there was a deer with... horns..., ak... I saw it..., really I saw....," Berry stuttered, Ante and Tedder were scared now."Come on, we have to get away from here quickly, this way Ber....," Ante and Tedder began to speed up their flight. Berry started rushing, even though he was curious, he really wanted to get out of this forest.But in his haste he asked Tedder again.

 Berry is sure he knows something, how can a fairy who has lived for years not know about this."Tedder, are you sure you don't know anything about this?" Berry asked probingly."Umm...actually I've heard of the legend of the guardian spirit of the forest, but no one has actually seen it. They said it was exactly what you said it would be, in the shape of a deer. But keep this a secret Berry, I'm just afraid if I get into trouble..."Berry became even more scared, it turned out that what he saw was true, but he didn't want to get Tedder in trouble, he decided to keep this a secret.

Story of BerryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz