17. Glowing Green

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Faintly heard a voice in the darkness, "Ber... Ber....,"Berry opened his eyes slowly, coughing, water was spurting from his mouth. Theo, Angelica, Adolf and Theo looked at him."I'm still alive?" asked Berry surprised."Yes Ber, you're still alive..., we're really worried...," answered Abby."How can I survive?" he asked again."We saw you swim here alone, even though it was all of us who followed you. A dangerous move Berry," Theo explained."Yeah, but you have a really weird swimming style," giggled Abby, followed by the others. "Like something dragged ....," continued Abby."Or indeed I was dragged by something," said Berry.

 "I told you that creature...""Come on Ber..., stop your hallucinations....," interrupted Adolf.Berry realized that his friends wouldn't believe him, and he couldn't prove it either. But it was so obvious he hadn't been swimming at all that he remembered passing out in the water. What is it? What does the creature want? Since when did these creatures live here? And why did the creature save him? A thousand questions were going through his mind, but he had to calm down and take care of the situation for the sake of his friends.

"By the way, this place is a bit scary, isn't it?" said Angelica while looking around."Yes, and all this makes us hungry. How about we open our supplies here...," then they opened their backpacks and ate their supplies. Meanwhile, Berry stared at her wet backpack splashed in the water. All his supplies were soaked. Berry took a deep breath."You can have mine," Abby offered."Thanks Abby.""And you can also wear my change of clothes.

"Berry smiled.************This trip was really tiring, but they keep the spirit. They are sure they will arrive soon. The person who motivated the trip the most was Theo. He always believed even though he wasn't sure. He took out a detector and a holographic screen appeared showing a small map of where they were. You can see that some of the holograms are blurry, so that their location cannot be detected. Theo just sighed. "Hopefully we were close friends."In front of the eyes were stretched gaping alleys, dimly lit by the sun that penetrated between the roots. Smells of wet earth and rotting moss. They must hurry.

 At first they were confused about choosing one of the aisles in front of them. They watched closely, and there was one passage where strange lights appeared."What if that hall is all," pointed Adolf, Theo paused,"Any other ideas?" he asked the other members, but all did not answer. "Okay, if you don't have a better idea, let's take Adolf's advice," Theo decided.They then entered into the shining tunnel. The walls of the passage are filled with roots sticking out to the surface. Berry walked while watching the plants growing on the roots of the tree. kind of mushroom, the size of a fist with purple buds and white spots. The berry touched it, the surface was soft and slimy, suddenly the mushroom closed so that it was like a shy daughter's flower.They kept walking until they found a bright green room made of algae that could glow with light."Whoaa..." they all gasped."Only we know this place, friends!" said Theo happily. Berry couldn't stop thinking, there are untouched places like this. This trip has been amazing.The children started to open their backpacks and took out jars, gauges, cameras and data to record. Berry watched his friends work excitedly, examining the glowing green algae, tracing root walls and taking pictures of the strange mushroom they had just encountered. Meanwhile, Berry just watched his friends busy working. Understandably, Berry is still a new member. Berry could only sit and wait on the big tree roots sticking out of the ground. 

However, not long after he sat down, he felt a vibration in the room."Abby, Theo, the room is moving, is this an earthquake?" he asked worriedly."What Ber? We don't hear what you say. You said an earthquake, we didn't feel anything," they answered while still studying the mushrooms and algae. Meanwhile, Berry is increasingly feeling the movement of the earthquake. His body swayed more and more and moved in and was swallowed by the roots. He just realized that the roots were moving and wanted to swallow him.He just wanted to ask for help, but it was too late, the roots had tightly wrapped around his hands, feet and around his waist."ABBY...!" he let out a loud scream before the roots swallowed him whole. Abby suddenly looked at her partner and realized that Berry was not there. "Aaaaarrgghh!"

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