12. Under the Pale Moon

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"Ouch, Berry, how could it be this bad!" replied Zeke who looked exhausted teaching. Berry just stared helplessly at his stupidity. Zeke took the time to teach Berry after school because Berry was still reluctant to go to school.And after a few days, Berry didn't show much change, meanwhile, every time Edel asked him to exercise, Berry always said he wasn't feeling well. This made Zeke and Edel irritated with Berry. It felt like he didn't appreciate the good intentions of his two best friends.Tonight Berry was just lying on his blanket, Berry realized the annoyance of his two friends. Tonight it felt like there was no air for him. 

"I told you, you're not ready....," Fling suddenly appeared accompanying him."It's been so hard for Fling, catching up, from an orphanage to an amazing school like Chandelion," he lamented."Hmm, I think you just need a little adjustment, I'm sure you can, Ber, believe in yourself," advised Fling.In the middle of his conversation with Fling, the voices of a group of children could be heard faintly, a voice that sounded familiar to Berry's ears."Ber, Ber.... who is it....," whispered Fling.

Berry seemed to hear a small commotion down there."Ber..., come here," coaxed Fling who looked out the window, the voice below sounded louder and louder. Curious Berry crept closer to Fling who was looking for the source of the sound. In the dimness of the pale moon, his eyes were fixed on several shadowy children gathered in the street in front of his house."Ber, I'm curious, what do they want," whispered Fling. This time Berry got goosebumps, and he happened to agree with Fling."Let's just follow!" continued Fling, Berry's curiosity soared. Berry decided to follow them.The girl opened the door slowly. And sneaked down the stairs. There was snoring from Grandfather's room, Berry's hair crawled, hesitation stopped him. He wanted to discourage himself and return to the room, sleeping like a baby.However, Fling stretched out his hand and pulled him down the stairs, "We have to know what they are doing," he whispered half scolding Berry. 

In his haste, Berry slipped from the steps and fell with a thump at the bottom of the steps. Grandfather's snoring stopped, it felt like grandfather heard something. Berry was very scared, his whole body was covered in cold sweat.Berry's breath caught, resignedly waiting for Grandpa's bedroom door to open, imagining Grandpa's face that would be shocked and angry, but Grandpa's snoring continued to be heard again."That's right, it's okay Berry, come on....," whispered Fling. Berry couldn't help but think he heard the words of an imaginary creature like Fling. However, curiosity had possessed him.Berry rushed to open the door, the cold night air piercing the skin. Berry was only wearing his pajamas. Fling took Grandpa's coat that was lying beside the door. Then, covering Berry who was cold. 

"Come on...." Fling encouraged.He could hear the wind rustling through the leafless branches. Here and there, moonlight illuminated the white path beneath his feet. The gravel in the path dug right through Berry's favorite striped blue socks. Berry's gaze swept the page. Looking for small movements from his friends. His heart was pounding."There he is," said Fling, a flash of black clothing disappearing at the end of the street, hidden by a street lamp. Berry and Fling ran after the black shadow, against the cold air that gripped them. "Where are they going," Berry thought."Berry, let's hurry, we follow them," said Fling. Berry's eyes focused on the black shadows. He kept chasing until his foot hit a rock. "Ouch....," Berry endured the pain, "Be careful, Ber....," whispered Fling.Berry walked quickly along the edge of Lake Sapphire, seeing several rainbow swans sleeping under the thick and shady birch trees. Berry stepped carefully so the geese wouldn't wake up. 

They kept on walking until they entered into the thicket, away from the lake, getting darker and darker until horror overtook them. Even so his feet continued to walk through the roots and bushes. His heart pounded, his whole body started to break out in a cold sweat. Far into the wilderness of the city.The black shadows disappeared under the enormous banyan whose roots were sticking out. It can be seen that the cavities are large, enough for several living creatures with a size large enough to hide in them.I don't know what those people were looking for, they swiftly entered the root cavity of the old banyan tree. Berry hesitated for a moment whether to follow them or not. The place looked terrible, faint animal voices could be heard from behind the big roots. Who knows what kind of creature is waiting in there.His whole body trembled, but his steps kept moving following the shadows. I don't know what got into Berry, her mind has been a mess lately.Berry steps slowly enter the root hole. His feet began to sink into the soft and cold mud.

 A few steps after that, Berry didn't hear any sound outside. There was a screeching sound approaching and something moving slightly tickled Berry's feet."Aarrghh!" the girl screamed. A pair of hands then covered Berry's mouth, he was pulled into a partition hidden behind a tree root. Berry could feel his shortness of breath on the nape of his neck. Berry's knees were weak, he was very scared. And surrender."Who are you?" asked a deep voice that smothered him in the darkness,"B...B...Berry.... my name is Berry," he stammered."Berries? Berry from Chandelion?" asked the voice,"Yes, Berry from Chandelion," he replied again."Oh my," then a girl's voice approached them, "Is everything okay?" asked the voice."Guess what we got, Berry from Chandelion," said the voice that caught up to him."Whoa, Berry!" the girl was shocked, "It's impossible.... tt...but...., let's get out of here....," the girl's voice panicked. Berry has no idea what's going on here. 

They grabbed Berry's arm to rush out.Instantly he saw the sight of the perfect moon shining beautifully tonight. His reflection illuminates the two figures holding him back, Berry can recognize it vaguely, it's Theo and Abby! Berry was even more shocked, lost for words, 'what are his two friends doing here'."Ber, you followed us," Theo's question immediately attacked him."I was just looking, and curious......""STUPID!" continued Theo, "You are new here, who knows the condition of this place. You don't know the environmental conditions here, if anything happens to you, your family will be worried! What a ridiculous act of yours!" Theo looked both angry and worried."Come on Theo....," comforted Abby, "Berry, shouldn't you be resting at your house," Abby asked worriedly."I don't know, I just couldn't sleep and followed you here....," answered Berry innocently. Theo and Abby only took a deep breath to hear that."Please explain what you guys are doing here?" asked Berry. 

They were both silent, glancing at each other. Abby finally shrugged. "Okay, we are a gang of mystery lovers. Me, Theo, Angelica and Adolf," Abby pointed out some of the photos. "This is a photo of Sapphire Lake," Berry looked at it carefully, at first glance the lake looked normal, then he saw again that there were small lights appearing in the middle of the night, whose origins were unclear."We're investigating that, those mysterious lights," Abby chirps. "Many things are too magical in this lake, you are just a newcomer in this city, there are many things you don't know....," he continued."And today's event was ruined because of you, we had planned this long ago....," Theo was irritated. Then, from the mouth of the tree hole came out the other two figures of his friends."Hey, Abby, Theo, I sent a code from inside and you didn't reply....," Adolf paused, staring at the uninvited guest, Berry.Angelica just came out and was shocked too."I'll explain later....," Abby explained with a faint smile.

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