now you're gone.

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A demon sat in his car, drinking every last bit of alcohol the town had. 

His car was filled with tons of broken glass. 

He downed the last bottle of alcohol he had and threw the bottle down.

He cursed under his breath. "Why? Why take him? You have billions of angels you could have chosen, so why... why him?" He had never felt this much pain before. Aziraphale left. And he wasn't coming back. 

The amount of pain Crowley was in was something he had never imagined himself feeling. He had fallen from Heaven, and not even that hurt as much as losing Aziraphale did. He felt like his soul had been cracked into millions of pieces, and the glue that held them together was gone. He thought he may be going insane. He wanted to destroy everything in his path. He wanted to hurt people. He just wanted everything to end. There was nothing left for him to stay on Earth for. He had nothing. He had no one. 

He tied his hair up, and got out of his car, which was now yellow. If a yellow car was all Crowley could have of Aziraphale, then his car would remain yellow.

He walked around and went into Aziraphale's bookshop, where he found Muriel.

Muriel was crying and speaking under their breath. "What have I done... What have I done?"

Crowley walked up to Muriel and spoke. "What happened?"

Muriel looked up at Crowley and replied. "Someone was in the bookshop while I was out. The Metatron told me to keep everything safe and I failed. I failed as an angel." Muriel started to walk away but Crowley stopped them. He looked at Muriel and immediately spoke. "Did they steal anything? Did they mess anything up?" There was a certain tone in his voice which Muriel found out later had been fear. 

"No." Muriel answered. "They didn't take anything or hurt anything but they ripped some books and they went through Aziraphale's personal items. Mr. Crowley, what should we do?"

Crowley started walking around the shop to see what all had been disturbed. He picked up the books off of the floor, along with the papers on Aziraphale's desk. "We'll clean it up and then install cameras so that it doesn't happen again. When you need food or water, you tell me, and I'll leave to get you what you need while you stay and watch the bookshop. Got it?"

Muriel nodded. "Got it."

"Good," Crowley replied. "Now, if you'd excuse me, I'll be going to find more alcohol to indulge in. If you need me, just call." 

He turned and left the bookshop, but as he was doing so, he saw a glint of white hair.


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