3 years apart.

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3 years. That was how long Crowley and Aziraphale had been apart. That was how long Crowley had been in Heaven being hurt and tortured. 

Aziraphale had learned a lot about himself and remembered a few things about his past, with the help of Muriel.

Muriel had been trying to get into Heaven for a while now, to try and save Crowley, but whenever they hailed the elevator, it never came down. 

Time was going slow. Slower than time should really go. It was lonely. It was sad. 

The world was dark. It was like the sun had been taken out of the sky. 

"Muriel, dear, would you kindly fetch me my diary from upstairs?"

Aziraphale had been writing a lot lately. Mostly about how he was frustrated not being able to remember anything. 

Muriel had been helping Aziraphale run the bookshop, and also reading romance books!... a lot. 

Crowley.... nobody had heard from him. It was almost like he had never existed.

Muriel spoke while handing Aziraphale his diary. "You know, we should really get Crowley out of Heaven. It's... lonely without him here. I could contact the Metatron somehow and convince him to let me into Heaven. It could work, you know?"

Aziraphale sighed. "Maybe we should just forget about it. I don't know Crowley so I have no reason to risk my life to save him."

Muriel whispered under their breath, "Oh, but you do know him."

Aziraphale looked at Muriel and rolled his eyes. "Oh, you little bugger. Fine, you win, we can go and help Crowley."

Muriel's eyes brightened up. "Really?! Thank you Aziraphale!"

Muriel hugged Aziraphale and kissed his cheek. 

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