it'll pass.

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Crowley woke up in Aziraphale's bookshop. His back was sore, but less painful than it had been. He stood up and began to walk to where Muriel and Aziraphale were.


Aziraphale jumped up and went straight to Crowley, and hugged him. He hugged him like the world was ending. He held him in such a way that Crowley's heart felt as it had just engulfed into flames. In their years and years of knowing each other, they had never hugged. Not even once.

Crowley went ridged and pushed Aziraphale away and looked him in the eyes.

"We need to talk."

Aziraphale looked at Crowley with a bit of a frown, but then he just nodded.


Aziraphale turned around to face Muriel. "Watch the shop while we're gone, alright?"

Muriel nodded and with that, Crowley and Aziraphale walked outside.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" Aziraphale asked this with a confused tone. 

Crowley took a deep breath and started to speak. 

"Right. Okay. So, thank you for saving me, and helping me, but I think we need to be apart for a while. I wish I could say that it was me, and not you, but that'd be a lie. Aziraphale, you left me. Without thinking twice. It was quite obvious that you cared more about Heaven than you did our friendship. If you could even call it that. When I kissed you, I knew that I had already lost you, but I did it because if I didn't do it then, I was scared that I would never get to do it, because you'd be gone. You'd be in Heaven and I would be on Earth. I don't think you understand how much Heaven hurt me. I never asked to fall. I never 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 to fall. I fell for asking questions. I fell for being curious. Isn't that such a stupid thing to be damned to Hell for? I had spent years creating the stars, and all of the nebulae, for it to only run for 6,000 years, and I wanted to know why, so I asked, and I got sent to Hell for it. You went to the place that hurt me most, and that hurt more than falling did. So, I don't think we should talk anymore. We should go our separate ways and turn a new page."

Crowley took a shaky breath and continued to talk.

"I don't wanna live without you, but maybe I 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 to. I don't wanna fight anymore, I don't wanna cry anymore. You very obviously don't feel the same way about me as I feel about you, and it's not like you can help that, but I can't be with the person who left me for the place that hurt me most. It'd hurt too much. I'm sorry, angel. I just don't think I can be around you without it hurting. Maybe it's selfish, but I'm a demon, I'm supposed to be selfish, eh?" 

Crowley looked at Aziraphale with tears forming in his eyes, and gave him a weak smile.

Aziraphale's eyes went wide, and glossed over with tears.

"Crowley, don't do this. I... I need you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left. I regret it now, so please. Please don't go."

Crowley ran his thumb over Aziraphale's cheek. "I forgive you, angel." 

And he turned away.

Aziraphale went numb, and ran over to Crowley, grabbed him by the shoulder, and turned him around to face him.

"Crowley, I love you. I love you beyond words, I love you so much that it hurts. I broke my rules for you. Everyone around me told me that I shouldn't love you, and I loved you anyway. I was never meant to fall this hard for you, you were never meant to mean so much to me, but you know what? I did, and that's the utter truth, and that's what keeps me going, because it would hurt worse than hellfire to let you go."

Crowley took Aziraphale's hands into his own and looked into his eyes.

"It'll pass."

He let go of Aziraphale's hands and walked away.

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