Chapter 13 - The Appalachians

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"Are we there yet?"

I'm struggling to keep up with Nik and Stefan who carries an unconscious Ray. We trek further and further into the forest and I have to take two steps for every one of theirs.

It's really tiring.

"Not much further now Hedi, I promise," Nik tells me noticing I'm falling behind slightly.

"Are you lying to me again?" I question and nearly trip over a log in my path.

Nik is not pleased but he doesn't say anything. Instead he picks me up allowing me to have a rest from all the walking. I let him, even if I'm angry. My legs do hurt and I like being carried by him.

"I've got you now Hedi," he murmurs into my ear. "I won't lie to you again."

"Is that another lie?" I ask trying to annoy him further.

Operation annoy Nik has started and he needs to see what he's doing is wrong and hurtful. He needs to realise I have to have my siblings back. Even if I have to annoy him to bring them back to tell me off.

I'd rather be told off by them everyday than never ever see them.

A little while later we reach Ray's pack and they smell all dirty. Nik notices too and he turns up his nose at the wet dog smell. I'm glad Nik doesn't smell like that, he smells nice like me.

Nik gets to work quickly once he's recognised as the hybrid. They all seem very scared of him but he doesn't care. He forces them to drink his blood and snaps their necks. It's horrible to watch and I start to cry.

"No Nik, stop hurting them. They said no," I complain as everything turns violent and he sighs deeply. "They don't want to be hybrids like you."

"Turn around and close your eyes then, quickly," he instructs and I refuse. I know as soon as I turn around he will start again. It makes me sad. These people have done nothing wrong.

"No, I don't want you to do it."

The wolves start whispering between themselves but my brother remains focused on me.

"Hedi, I have to, to keep you safe. We've been over this..." he places a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't like it," I tell him honestly but I know he's doing it for a good reason. To make sure father never hurts us again.

Nik turns to me with a bright idea.

"You see that cave?" He points to one with an entrance hidden by the trees. "Hide in there until I come and get you okay?"

"Are you sure you'll come back for me?" I'm twinged with doubt.

"Yes! Hedi, yes," my brother exclaims, instantly defensive. "I won't leave you I promise."

"You promised that before," I remind him. "You never came back. And then you lied to me on purpose."

"Hedi, we need to get over this okay? I came clean and I'm sorry. I've apologised, what more do you want?"

"You not to be like father and hurt people. And to give me our family back."

He looks appalled. This is probably the third or fourth time I've compared him to father and I know he hates it even if it's true. He is guilty and ashamed.

"That's enough. I don't want to hear that again. I'm nothing like Mikael."

"You are," I throw back at him just to hurt him.

It seems to have backfired though because now he seems really angry and I know that means more people will be hurt, not less.

A twig snaps which brings our attention back to the wolves. Who are trying to sneak away.

Hedda MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now