Bonus - Hedda is Dying

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This is the hospital chapter in Meredith and Elijah's POVs x



Dr Meredith Fell's POV

The little vampire in front of me is the sickest paediatric patient I've ever had. It worries me to my very core but I force myself to stay calm so I can offer her the best care.

No pain killers are working and she screams in pain, a sound that echoes through my skull. It's a sound no one should ever hear.

The sound of a suffering child.

She's in agony.

I have to block it out or I'll get too emotional to do my job properly. I can cry later. Right now, this sweet girl needs me.

I run a mental check, ensuring I've considered the best course of action before deciding to start harsh intravenous antibiotics as a precaution.

I can't delay this treatment even without a diagnosis, it could save her life.

She doesn't even notice when I put the needle in her vein, it feels like nothing in comparison to her pain.

I feel like such a failure.

Hedda's already been infused with the strongest doses of morphine her little body can handle and it's still not enough for her pain. I cannot switch to a stronger dose or give her more because she will overdose.

I don't know what to do.

I wish I could take her pain away, hearing her cries shreds my soul into pieces. It's almost unbearable to hear. I don't know how her brother is managing it.

I'm in shock that the Mikaelson family didn't bring her to hospital until I put my foot down. Elijah is clearly out of his depth, he's never had to rely on a doctor before.

He clearly hates it.

I close my eyes and breathe deeply, calming myself as much as possible. I have to keep a clear mind if I'm going to be getting to the bottom of this.

It scares me that I don't even know where to start.

Hedda falls in and out of consciousness, and I can't assess anything other than her vital signs and send her for scans.

She's high on the priority list so she should be one of the next patients to be taken and scanned head to toe, to work out why she's so sick.

When she wakes up and manages to stay awake, she looks around in fear and confusion.

"Hello Hedda," I greet her calmly as I do with all my paeds patients. "Do you know who I am?"

She stays very confused and it doesn't seem like she heard me so I repeat myself.

"Do you know where you are sweetie?"

"We're going home?" She asks in a small voice while glancing over at her brother in hope.

Instantly I know she's even more unwell than I guessed. She's completely unaware of her surroundings and very lethargic.

It's evident she's not going home and yet she thinks she is.

Her mind is affected and that's a very bad sign. Delirium like this has a shockingly poor prognosis and I worry for her.

Hedda stretches out her arms and calls for her mother. The fear in her voice makes me tremble, I can't bear to watch this but I have to.

Right now, it's just me that can help.

I can do this.

Elijah carefully holds her hand and pulls her attention back to him. But Hedda isn't comforted much by his presence.

Hedda MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now