Chapter 28 - Stella's Accident

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"No like this," I demand, readjusting the pink tutu I've put on Nik's wolf form.

He scowls but remains on all fours, with my bright pink ballet skirt around his torso.

I fall to the floor laughing when I put a pink bow around his neck too. He looks very grumpy.

"You look like a girl," I poke fun at him, annoying him more.

He huffs and tries to walk off but I throw my arms around his neck so he can't run away. He's being so gentle with me, even when he's irritated.

"Bekah look! Nik's a little girl now," I call her over and she is gobsmacked when she sees what Nik has let me do to him.

She quickly calls over 'Lijah and even he cracks up at Nik's willingness to make me happy.

He barks and I threaten to put him in dog kennels which makes him quieten down again.

I'm so upset about being a wolf and not being loved anymore. To remedy my sadness, Nik has shifted with me a lot and he even lets me dress him up too. He thinks it will make me feel happier about who I am so he's put up with my silly games.

I've been cooped up in my room since I refused to see Koly. 'Lijah, Bekah and Nik have visited me and explained that I became a wolf because of the accident outside school. They didn't say much else to explain though, apart from mentioning a poorly cyclist who died yesterday.

It's very sad.

Yesterday, Bekah and 'Lijah kissed my little wolf form and gave me wonderful hugs so I know they still love me even if I'm not their real family. Nik is my real brother so I know he has to love me.

But I haven't seen Kol or Finn.

Koly keeps on asking to come in but I say no and hide away. Luckily he doesn't force me but I do hear him crying in his room a lot. He even apologised to Nik about being mean too.

Finny hasn't seen me since I turned but he's probably been busy with Sage so I don't mind. As long as he still loves me, it doesn't matter if he's busy.

Caroline enters the room, looking for Bekah.

"That's Klaus?" She asks incredulously, seeing how Nik's let me dress him up.

She's been spending a lot of time around my family recently. When she's not with Bekah, she with Nik and I know they kiss I just can't prove it yet.

Nik looks embarrassed as Caroline stares at him all in pink but then she laughs, finding it really funny. It makes her smile.

She comments on how sweet it is to see how much he loves me and she even kisses his wolfy head causing Nik to grin widely.

He puffs up his chest and throws himself into the game more now he has received a kiss. I should make sure she's around more if he acts all docile around her.

When I've had enough, Caroline agrees to take me to the park to play with Edey and Stella. Nik is just happy that our playtime has come to an end and shifts back, but not before Kol takes a picture of him in my tutu.

Nik chases Kol trying to delete the photo but he's not winning yet. Kol is ahead of the game.

Bekah agrees to join Caroline and I as we head to the park. The two are becoming fast friends and I'm glad. I also hope that Caroline will marry Nik soon.

As soon as we arrive I see my friends while the adults all talk. Bekah and Caroline agree to babysit for all three of us while their mothers go for a coffee.

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