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Nia rose, a clarity in her mind unlike any she had ever experienced. It was if her bones called out to the world, and the world... answered. Leaves rustled in the distance, she could hear the babbling of a faraway flowing river, the water sloshing against the rocks as it ran through the forest, birds chirps in the background; songbirds awakened by the rising dawn. It glugged and gurgled as if she had laid her head right next to it. Nia could hear the crackling of the forest which bordered Torrin's barren lands, trees creaking as the wind whooshed through them. Nia did not dare attempt to listen any further. It took every ounce of strength she had to reel her senses back, away from the river and the trees; back to the deafening quiet of Torrin's Court.

A glance in the mirror as she crossed the room sent Nia reeling towards the glass, her eyes glowed violet, her once light strawberry hair burned a violent blood red, and her skin... The palest she had ever seen it yet glowing all the same. She felt strong, stronger than she thought she ought to, and stepped out into the breezy corridor. Her untrained ears twitched at every sound, Nia willed herself to focus and found her targets. She recoiled at the word as she thought it, they are not targets. Her brain had become muddled as memories flashed too fast through her mind, foreign memories of whispered words from Duane had surfaced, she did not know what exactly he had done to her, yet Nia felt the wrongness creeping into her connection with him and knew that he, like Torrin, had used his magic against her. She felt her faith in Torrin slipping.

Throughout the night, memories had assaulted her unconsciousness, like an ancient trove had been unlocked, fragments began to leak through the wards her mother had placed. She had indeed lived for those two hundred and ninety-eight years, learned and absorbed everything in a locked away section of her mind. It had only begun to piece itself together, shards ripped apart by magic. Not in the way Torrin and Duane had wielded it against her, no, Nia knew her mother's spell was cast with love and protection. Riona had managed to raise her, train her, prepare her, and allow her to enjoy a mortal life. A renewed respect for her mother filled Nia. Even if she could not remaster her abilities as quickly as her mother may have hoped, Nia was grateful that Riona had tried.

The Manor was eerily silent as she ventured through the hallway. Nia wondered where her companions had gone, she wished to apologise for throwing such horrendous pain at them; although she could not forget how quickly Torrin turned on her, she understood his fear. It had almost consumed her, and the energy it took to stop focusing on it almost knocked her over. If this were the beginning, she did not think she would survive the end. Nia gritted her teeth and pushed on; a memory of her mother came to comfort her.

"Breathe Elvinia, you are the earth, and it is you. Focus your mind on the light and laughter, let it ground you. Let it fill your heart until you are aflame with happiness. Hold on to the light, keep your heart warm as you reach towards the darkness. You must not ignore the darkness Elvinia, use it to guide you where you are needed most but never touch the darkness with a heavy heart. It can consume you if it is allowed. You must focus on the light Elvinia"

With her mother's words to ground her, Nia took a breath with each step and thought of every ounce of goodness in the world. She decided she should make a list, of each good thing in her life, to recite if she began to struggle. For the time being, the shadows had been pushed away. Her steps lightened as she reached the courtyard and Nias eyes sparkled at the sight before her. Uaine, Torrin and Rian were completing various tasks around the garden, from banners to picnic tables laden with decor and glassware "what is going on?" Nia questioned with a smile as Torrin directed Rian with a huff "I promised you I would introduce you to other Fae. I also have the feeling that a party may do us all some good" this could not have been further from the truth. Torrin thought holding a ball was a terrible idea so soon after what had happened, if Duane made an appearance, it could end in a bloody mess and gods forbid the words of that hateful woman beneath their feet held any truth. Nia could rip a Lord to pieces if she chose. He had no choice, for he had sent the invitations before they faced Nessa; but he would not say so to Nia.

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