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The Emerald Court

Uaine and Maeve's return had been a welcome sight for many, but there were those who had enjoyed the old ways; the dark souls of Etherea, ones who wished for Ciars strength to return. It was a tangled mess, trying to determine who they should trust. There had been only silence from Torrin in the past weeks. Uaine supposed he had been busy, as they had also spent their time tirelessly rebuilding trust with their people. It was this which saw Uaine and Maeve sat in a stuffy meeting room, with the traders of the Emerald Court who worried that Ciars wrath would fall upon them. Uaine could not blame them, for all knew what became of the Sapphire Court after their failed rebellion. A young woman, with auburn hair and scars across her face stepped forward "I was in Avenere, when folk rallied for the orphaned babes Aoife had left behind; it was not enough to rip Torrins parents and people from him, Ciar sent his demons to sack the city before the earth beneath our feet burst into flames. We were blindsided once; I say we do not allow him the same opportunity" Her eyes twinkled with determination, Maeve smiled at the girl as a ripple of guilt ran through her core; she would not fail the women here again. 

The other traders murmured in agreement, until a bearded man pounded his fist against the table "are you all mad?" He sneered "forgive me, Grainne; if I don't put my faith in the strength of a tavern wench" Maeve stood before the girl could raise her fist, emerald rope wrapped around his neck "the strength of a woman scorned could cut down a thousand men like you, it would do you well to remember that next time you speak" Maeve released the gasping Fae and returned to her seat, her anger scarcely quelled. Uaine glanced at his sister with exasperation, before he could apologise another man stepped forward; he was clean-shaven and slender, he did not look like he had seen battle in his life "please, accept my apologies for Fearghal; I am Finn, it is just that we have lived under Ciars spell for far too long, some cannot cope with what we have done. The people cannot relive that, our wives... our daughters" Uaine shuddered at the pain in the young man's voice as it cracked. 

Maeve glowered at the table before them "I swear it, by the Fates; your women will be avenged" Uaine abandoned all hope of keeping violence at bay as the Fae laid out their terms. They would support the twins claim, aid their cause and begin preparing their people for war; in return Uaine and Maeve must eradicate those who resisted, those who enjoyed what they had done and wished to continue. With a deal struck, the traders informed the High Fae of where they would find a band of Fae working to usurp the court from the twins.

When the room had emptied, Uaine loosed a breath and looked at his sister "must we do this? Violence will only breed more violence" Maeve glared at him as he ran a hand across his tired face "and what do you suggest? Do we allow them to fester? Let them regain their strength to rip us from our home once more, to trap the women here again; allow them to ravage and rape as they please? As they did before?" Uaine fell silent, he could not argue. He realised as he saw the guilt in her eyes, Maeve needed this. She needed to do something to make up for the years which she had done nothing. "Alright" he relented "but perhaps we should consult Rowan, we cannot blindly go after these people if they want our heads on stakes" Maeve sighed and nodded her head, grateful that her brother did not argue.

The doors opened then, as a servant brought an envelope to them. Maeve did not bat an eye at the man, Uaine felt uneasy at the thought of having servants; voluntarily or not. When the man had left the room, he turned to his sister "can we adjust one thing?" He asked, Maeve looked at the envelope curiously before glancing at Uaine with a raised brow "the servants, could we not call them servants? We should give them fare wage and board for the work they do, if they are to tend to us it is the least we can do" Maeve smiled at her brother "consider it done" he sighed with relief. Maeve questioned what her brother thought of her as she opened the envelope "it is from the Silver Court" she told him, Uaine stared wide-eyed at the letter "an invitation" he gulped as he read it. 

Dearest Lord and Lady,

Congratulations on your recent victory. Elvinia assures us that your loyalty to Ciar is unbreakable; and so, we wish to cordially invite you both to our humble abode for a ball the likes of which Etherea has not seen in centuries. 

Prince Aidan

Maeve resisted the urge to curse Nia "our loyalty to Ciar is unbreakable?" She guffawed, Uaine groaned "we must trust her, she is in a court of snakes; we must put on the farce she expects, if only to ensure she is safe and sane" he reasoned, Uaine did not entirely trust Abbán had fixed Nia; she stood on a knife's edge between good and evil. He had also suspected that Nia's heart had turned towards a certain Silver Prince, Uaine could not be sure she would not shatter herself to protect him. In his journey he had learned one thing, Nia was a fierce protector of the people she loved; the looks she had cast towards Lorcan told him she would level the entire Silver Court to keep him safe. 

Maeve grumbled at the letter once more "then we cannot be seen thwarting the rebellion against Ciars supporters, we must meet again with the traders; they cannot speak of our deal. They must appear to be rebelling against us, it is a very fine line we tread upon now Uaine. I hope she knows what she is doing" Uaine agreed with his sister at that, the war was fast approaching; they could all feel it. 

They decided Uaine would speak with the traders, while Maeve set out to find Rowan. She found him peering over a map of Etherea, glaring tensely at the illustrations. Maeve chuckled, breaking his focus. Rowan smiled at Maeve, a glittering emerald crown atop her golden hair; it suited her perfectly. His smile faltered at the worry in her eyes "what is it?" He asked "things have become... complicated" Maeve began, before explaining their situation to her general. Rowan tensed as she spoke, he did not wish to return to the way things had been before but he knew it must be done. Rowan sighed and bowed his head "if it will save Etherea, then I will do as you ask. The rebels will be swiftly dealt with, and no blame shall befall you or your brother my Lady" Maeve thanked the Fates for Rowan, she did not know what she would do without him. 

"You have been a blessing to me Rowan, how could I ever repay you?" She asked sincerely, she was unable to give him lands or titles before; she could do so now. Rowan shook his head "I ask for one thing alone, that you make this wretched plan worth it; that Ciar pays for everything" Maeve nodded in agreement, no words were needed; Rowan knew her hatred burned deep for Ciar. She needed no encouragement to make the terrible King suffer. 

Uaine had less luck with the traders, who panicked at their plan. He could not blame them, the Silver Court was renowned for its crimes against the Fae. They would rip through this town just for fun at the revelation of their deception. Carefully, Uaine soothed the fears and protests of each Fae as they started, until finally they reached an agreement. They would continue to appear cruel by day, to whip their employees through the streets, to rebuild the stocks; but by nightfall, they would work to build their forces against Ciar.

It was a risky plan, with far too many variables. Uaine did not like it one bit, but he decided he must trust his sister; for she had been witness to far more court politics than he. So, reluctantly, the pair began to prepare for the grand ball they had been invited to. 

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