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Lorcan returned to his chambers late that night, weary from the days events; he still found a smile slipped on to his face as he eyed the sleeping girl in his bed. His circumstances seemed to have improved greatly.

Nia awoke the next morning filled with confusion. It had been weeks since she last slept in a bed, in this very Court; when Erin had kindly offered up her home as a haven for them on the beginning of their journey. It all seemed so far away now. Lorcan sat in the armchair by the window, drinking his morning coffee, and watched with amusement as Nia jumped from the bed. Wearing the same silk blue gown she had arrived in, her scarlet hair askew, Lorcan could not believe how she managed to remain breathtaking. His brows rose as Nia withdrew the Ruby encrusted dagger she had strapped to her leg. Nia blinked twice as she reviewed her surroundings. Embarrassment burned her cheeks as she realised where she was, and who sat watching her.

Lorcan laughed as she sheepishly lowered her weapon "I think you may survive this madhouse yet" he teased as he poured her a cup of coffee, Nia closed her eyes at the smell that wafted towards her "what is that?" She asked, taking a step towards the pot of steaming chocolate colored liquid "do you mean to tell me you have never had coffee?" Lorcan asked, astounded. Nia groaned, she had barely survived Torrin and Uaines High Lord ignorance; once again she found herself in the presence of privilege. The genuine shock on his face gave her pause, perhaps she should cut them some slack; for they did not know of the hardships that faced humanity. Lorcan knew he had made a blunder as her lips pursed before she answered "I have had coffee" Nia told him matter of factly "but it was not this, my mother made it from dandelion root" Lorcan crinkled his nose at that, his nurse had loved dandelion coffee; he could not stand it.

Lorcan nudged the cup towards her "swill compared to this" Nia rolled her eyes as he put his foot in his mouth once more "a delicacy when you have nought else" she bit back, Lorcan sipped quietly as she lifted her cup to her nose. He resisted the urge to laugh as she sniffed it with trepidation. Nia almost sank into her chair at the aroma wafting to her nose, it was heavenly; with hints of citrus, spiced nuts and chocolate, Nia had never smelled anything like it. Lorcan almost spoke to warn her of its heat, until she blew the liquid of her own accord; he could have sworn she looked at him as if she knew his thoughts.

Nia did not need to read his mind to know he was about to warn her, as if she were a child. Her senses erupted as she slurped the boiling liquid, it did burn her tongue; she would never admit it. Lorcan chewed the inside of his cheek as she winced just the tiniest amount, if she wished to be stubborn he would leave her to it. Her eyes like saucers, Nia slammed the cup down "this is wholly unfair" she whined, she could still taste the heavenly liquid on her tongue. At this, Lorcan did laugh; causing Nia to narrow her eyes "dandelion coffee is better" it almost hurt Nia to say it, to insult the absolute nectar in her cup, but she could not relent. She never could. His silver eyes sparkled as he grinned at her "what ever you say your majesty" he winked as he said it, sending butterflies crashing around Nias stomach. She mentally scolded herself and remembered herself distinctly telling Torrin that she was not some village floozy. Torrin. Nia wondered how he was faring. She thought of Uaine and Maeve too, back in that dreadful Court.

"Lorcan?" He watched as she fiddled with the spoon aside her cup "yes?" He prodded as she fell silent, Nia pursed her lips once more before sighing "forgive me, but have you heard word of Uaine or Torrin?" "Why would you need forgiveness for asking of your friends? By the Fates what have you heard about me?" Lorcan despised his reputation more than anything else. Nia sighed before placing her hand over his "considering Etherea has called me the.. scarlet death" Nia flinched every time she heard it, aside from being an utterly ridiculous name; she did not wish to be associated with death, "then your reputation means nothing to me" she finished honestly. Lorcans heart swelled as he looked at her, she was not teasing him. She simply meant the words she said. A rare occurrence for the Silver Court.

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