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Snow fluttered against the steps leading to the Silver Princes Manor. It was an enormous structure, fashioned into the side of ice peaked mountains; it was fitting for the cold High Fae which roamed its halls. Lorcan stalked past his servants, he detested it, his family had treated the Fae of their court like dogs for far too long. His brothers had returned, with news of the destruction of the Emerald Manor; how only Duane had survived. Of course that cockroach survived, he thought to himself as he retreated to his chambers. Aidan had watched, wearily, his brothers retreat. The youngest of their clan had always been troubled. 

Nia looked around in wonder as she found herself once more in the glittering snow of the Silver Court, with the book tightly tucked within her cloak; she took a steadying breath as she ascended the steps to the High Lord Manor. For a moment she hesitated, realising the state of herself; Nia shut her eyes and focused for the first time in weeks on the light around her. Warmth filled her as her clothes transformed from her filthy britches and tunic to a simple ice blue silk gown. Her messy hair tamed itself into an elegant bun beneath her hood, two ringlets framed her face. Lorcan could not believe his eyes as he looked out his window. Nia could feel his gaze upon her as she whispered "Lorcan?"  in an instant he was by her side "to what, do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" Nia could see the panic in his silver eyes. "I promised I would return, here I am" Nia replied coyly. Lorcan cursed himself, he had forgotten the bargain they had made "I must warn you, my brothers-" "are savages, I know" he laughed bitterly "your eyes" Lorcan breathed as she let the hood fall from her head. No longer flashing between violet and red, both were split in two halves of each color. Nia sighed and ran a hand through her hair "I found balance" she could not explain what Abbán had done, what she had felt. 

Lorcan sensed there was more to her story as she twisted the glittering ring now adorning her finger, but did not pry. Instead, he extended a hand "I must say it is a great honor to introduce you to my brothers, savages as they may be; they're quite infatuated with your reputation. It seems Etherea is unsure which way you might go" Lorcan told her as they ascended the steps, he hoped his own theories would prove correct; that she would aid him against his brothers. Nia laughed at that, she seemed much lighter now; he noticed. Lorcan found himself smiling alongside her as they stepped into the entrance chamber. Nias eyes widened with delight as she looked around the Manor. It was sleek, elegant and much warmer than she had expected. Glittering silver and cool blues adorned the entrance room. A grand white door separated them from the main hallway, Nia stopped as her breath caught. 

She remembered the doors of Torrin's home, how she adored them. She had not felt such adoration in a very long time. Lorcan watched in silence as she stepped up to the doors. Her fingers trailed against the carvings, it filled her with serenity. Tears pricked her eyes, she had forgotten what peace felt like. A smile slipped on her face as she traced the outlines of the mountain landscape carved into the wood. She remembered Torrins frustration at her love of doors and her back straightened with embarrassment "apologies, I have a love for craftsmanship" Nia explained as a blush crept to her cheeks "do not apologise, my great-great grandmother carved that door" Lorcan told her, Nia jumped; she had not realised how close he had gotten. She turned to look at him, the awe in her eyes threw Lorcan off; he had never seen such... happiness in anyone's eyes. 

"It's magnificent, she was a very talented woman" Nia told him honestly, she had a weakness for the skill of others. She supposed it was derived from her own past, most of what Nia owned or wore; she had made herself. She had no choice, so she knew how difficult it was to create something with your own hands. "I made, well, I tried to make a harp for my mother once. Oh it was awful, I had splinters for days, the skill this would take... it's unbelievable" it was breathtaking. Lorcan could not help but smile at her as he pushed the grand doors open "I think you will like it here, very much" he told her, the Silver Court was renowned for its craftsmanship.

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