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Nia could scarcely believe as she looked around; Fae of all sorts bustled about; oblivious to the wide eyed, slack jawed Elf girl in their midst. Torrin acted quickly as he yanked the hood of her cloak over her head, the soft brown wool covered her face. Nia almost turned to yell at him, until she noticed what she had not before. In her wide eyed wonder she had failed to realise the caliber of Fae that walked amongst them. Cutthroats, mercenaries, folk with horns and wings. Then, she noticed, there were no women. Nia felt suddenly uneasy.

"Take my hand" Torrin told her through gritted teeth. She began to protest, until a shrill voice stopped her cold "who is responsible for this woman?" Nia could hardly believe it was a man who spoke. He wore a navy button down uniform with gold bezels and a flat black hat. He glared at them with his beady green eyes, his thin lips pursed in a scowl. Nia could not help but grimace at his scarred jaw "I said" the man screeched "who is responsible for this woman?" Nia felt unrest growing in her middle. How dare he speak of me like this, she glared back in return. 

Torrin pulled his hood from his head, the uniformed man stepped back "I am, will this be a problem?" The authority rolled off him in waves. Nia admired him as he stepped before her "Lord Torrin, forgive me, we were not aware that you would be visiting" the man stuttered, all bravado lost. "You know how they are, always finding trouble" it took every morsel of self control that Nia could muster, to stop herself from smacking the smug look from the man's face "I'd say leash her, but you seem to have a pattern with the animals you keep" he snickered with a glance to the giant dog lapping at a nearby puddle.

Nia could not do it, could not keep her mouth closed as they spoke of her in this way. It pained Torrin to do so; he would have warned her, had she given him a moment to do so. Nia saw wisps of Sapphire weaving towards her, before an invisible hand covered her mouth. Torrin had felt the unrest from the girl, and knew it was only a matter of time before she popped off like a champagne cork. Her eyes scoured the crowds of Fae around them, until they rested on a scene which turned her blood molten. 

There, in the center of town; five women, in stocks. Uaine felt the panic, the fury, unrelenting and unyielding crashing from the girl. His eyes followed Nias and he struggled to keep his resolve. What have I left my people to be subjected to?  Nia could not look away as she scanned the women bound to the stocks, the bruises that covered their skin, their gaunt hopeless eyes; their dresses askew. It all made her sick. One woman raised her head, defiant; and glared at the crowd which hurled insults at her. Her glowing gold eyes met Nias 'they fear only that we are stronger than them, the world will be brought to its knees by a woman someday' a silk voice slipped into Nias' mind. 

"Trouble?" Uaine asked. It was a vague question, yes; but he did not trust his voice to ask more. Torrin could have cursed his friend for asking anything at all, he had been ready to announce their leave. The man scoffed and spat towards the women, Nia felt her lips curl in a snarl and dug her nails into her palms to resist thumping the arrogance from him. "Bloody witches" Nia could hardly believe the term that had passed his mouth, a witch hunt? In a magical land? Have they lost their minds?

"Wicked creatures" Torrin agreed, Nia felt blood pooling in her palms. I cannot take this; I cannot listen to this one more moment. Uaine gave his friend a warning look "I am afraid we must take leave, we have urgent business to attend to" Torrin didn't dare give the smirking man a second look as he tugged Nia by the elbow "should you grow tired of that one, visit the Brookes, there are plenty far more beautiful than it there" at that, Nia felt the anger rippling from Torrin. It would do no good, if his anger persisted it would do nothing to quell her own; she would turn and burn that wretched man where he stood. 'Run, fellow sister, for those of us who are shackled; you must free yourself from this court' a mirage of flashing images coursed through Nias mind, the golden eyed girl lead her into the mountain which she had been dragged and down to a bustling city beneath the earth 'be safe, sister, may we meet again in the summerlands'.

Etherea: The Lost DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now